The War for Miogaror: Chapter 7 pt 1
By Shannysaur
- 344 reads
Slowly, Skylar let the pages flick through his fingers. Each page was marked with a date, followed by scrawling in black ink. Instinctively Skylar stopped the flipping pages and with great will, brought himself to stare down and read the words before his eyes.
Date: Oridas, 2nd of Calaris, 947
While out with the hunting party today, we came across a strange old ruin in the forest directly west of town. Funny place, didn’t look like anyone had been near it for years. Oranor and I had a quick look around. Not a lot to find, though we did strike it lucky in findinga few jewels and some gold, and this odd mucky book. I think Oranor wants to return tomorrow for a proper look around.
On another note, my beautiful wife is getting big! Our child is growing! It shan’t be too long now until they join the world! Bless the Gods above!
Date: Erdas, 3rd of Calaris, 947
There was more to these ruins than we imagined! We brought out all our tools and began to dig around and examine the ruins properly. The sun is beginning to set in the sky, but after hours of digging, we have uncovered a door. We have had a brief look inside, but do not wish to venture any further at the present moment. This is all becoming quite exciting!
Date: Vidas, 4th of Calaris, 947
Would you believe it? I’m currently sitting underground in this grand hall! This ruin is something else! The walls are lined in carvings, seemingly telling a story. However, the language is unknown to any of us, and the murals are badly damaged. We continue exploring tomorrow.
Date: Thidas, 5th of Calaris, 947
The group has split up into pairs; this place is a lot bigger than we initially expected. Me and Oranor haven’t found anything incredibly overwhelming, though we have found some more books. I may give these a look over at some point.
Date: Reidas, 7th of Calaris, 947
We have returned from the ruins. Some of the group have found some really unusual artifacts, which I believe they are going to look further into. I may begin reading some of those books we found. I now have 9 books.
Date: Shidas, 15th of Calaris, 947
For the love of Aevum, I cannot understand any of these books! They are written in a tongue unknown to me, similar if not exactly like what we see on the walls in the ruins. There must be some way to decode this. Firstly, I will finish checking the books for any I may be able to read.
Date: Shidas, 22nd of Calaris, 947
Curse these forsaken tomes! They will be the death of all logical thought in my mind! I have not left this room for a week now. Arianna is getting mad, but she doesn’t understand. I may visit the ruins again tonight, something there may help.
“So, what does it say?” whispered Karraj over Skylar's shoulder.
“He's moaning about some old books he found,” he paused for a minute before continuing, “Actually, I think I remember those books. He had loads of them, stacked on piles on his floor. I used to go into his room and knock them down and play with them.”
Date: Oridas, 23rd of Calaris, 947
I…I believe I may have found something! I found another room in this ruin, possible an ancient professors study, or something of the sort. 2 books. One which was again filled with this writing, and another, hand written. Each double spread has the strange writing and the other is the language we use today! On first glance it seems to be a translation of this book. I’m sure it will be helpful in decoding my tomes!
Date: Vidas, 11th of Martius, 947
It has taken me 16 days, but finally I have finished reading the book. I have also composed an alphabetical list of the tongue next to the translation, thanks to the journal. I believe I am now ready to make a start! The book itself was mildly interesting. It involved a lot of hunting skills and habitats of prey. Some of the techniques seemed well thought out. I may give them a try at some point.
Date: Lundas, 27th of Martius, 947
Hmmm, this translation is not going as well as I would have imagined. I am able to fill in basic words, but missing the overall topic of the book. I guess this is due to the fact the book was small and flimsy, focussed only on one topic. Another visit to the ruin may be in order.
Date: Reidas, 7th of Tzolkius, 947
I have been down in these ruins for a whole week. I have uncovered a few more translations, but an unsatisfying amount. However, I will add them to the list and fill them in.
Date: Erdas, 10th of Tzolkius, 947
The additional words have proven not to be the most useful. I am running out of options. These blank spaces in the sentences mock me, they laugh upon my failure of opening their secrets! I will find a way…
Date: Thidas, 12th of Tzolkius, 947
I had a spark of an idea! I am going to travel to Nare. They have the biggest library in all of Miogaror. The kingdom is known for its wisdom. Surely there will be something, or someone, there that can help me. The minds of the Nare men are bright!
Date: Lundas, 13th of Tzolkius, 947
My things are packed, and I’m soon setting off for Nare. Arianna was surprisingly supportive, considering how much she complains about me locking myself away. I catch my boat tonight!
Date: Vidas, 18th of Tzolkius, 947
I have arrived and settled down in Nare. Tomorrow, I will take some of my work up to the library and begin to have a look around.
“This is weird.” Skylar muttered, “I don't want to read this.”
“Hey, don't be upset, what is wrong?”
“It's just...he done a lot of stuff for Nare. His research became more important than us, basically. And my's strange reading about her.”
Date: Thidas, 19th of Tzolkius, 947
Wow….just wow. This library is bigger than any building I have ever seen before! I simply have no idea where to begin! Floor upon floor of books! Lined to the ceiling! Oh…I may be here awhile.
I have scoured the sections of the library that may be remotely related. History, language…but I’m not really sure what to be looking for. I think I’ll call it quits in the search for today. Tomorrow I’ll take the hunting book to someone, and maybe they will be able to tell me at least a bit about its history.
Date: Lundas, 20th of Tzolkius, 947
So as planned, I took the book up to the library and showed it to a man at the desk. Immediately his eyes widened and he seemed excited yet shocked. He has taken the book off me and is taking it to one of the kingdoms top scholars. I’ve to be back here tomorrow morning for further information.
Date: Reidas, 21st of Tzolkius, 947
Marvelous! I was introduced to the head researcher today. He too, has notes on this language that were also found in a ruin south of here. Fascinating. The exact origin of the language cannot be confirmed, there are many speculations. Language of the Angels, the Devils, the Demi-Gods, the Dead, a tongue from the future, the past or perhaps the language that nature speaks. Until full confirmation had been made, Professor Ansel kept his own thoughts to himself. He has stated however, it is being dubbed as “The Silver Tongue”.
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