‘Who do you say that I am?’
By Rhiannonw
Sun, 07 Jul 2013
- 470 reads
(“Who do people say I am? … “Who do you say I am?” …
“You are the Christ.”) Mark 8:27–29
Who am I? What do they say?
What opinion’s voiced today?
Men say much and compliment you,
still don’t realise who has sent you.
Cannot see your saving mission,
and identity unique.
Who am I? Do you now see?
what my Father willed for me?
You’re the Prophet great appointed,
you’re the Priest and King anointed,
Son of God, the servant suffered,
Christ triumphant, living Lord.
What is truth? ideas rise:
people dream, invent, surmise.
Some opinions can be tested.
Some can be disproved, contested;
truth of God will stand, attested:
God who knows, reveals, makes clear.
Tune: of ‘Who is he in yonder stall?’
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