Reem's Warning
By itsnotnatural
- 422 reads
I am Reem. Who I am does not matter, what I do does and what I do is allow you, the public, to show you the truth behind the many coverups that the government and its puppet masters try to convey.
A few days ago, there was a large series of bombings that occurred all across North America, from Ottawa, all the way down to Mexico City; 29 in total. They are calling them the 10/21 bombings and it seems they targeted various political figures and popular media ie. senators, religious leaders, news crews, and bloggers. At the moment there are a total of 12,675 causalities with 1,268 dead and another 11,407 injured. 17 major cities have been affected and several billion dollars in damage has been wrought.
The media have been saying that these are the results of a wide variety of bombs, everything from dynamite, to C4 explosives, to fertilizer bombs, pressure cookers, grenades, and even thermite explosives. Watch a few videos on what happens when such devices go off and compare them to the aftermath you see when you watch those highly edited "live" broadcasts you see from official news sites. Don't be fooled.
If you don't believe me or if you're simply too lazy to do a little bit of research, then it would be a good idea to watch these videos for they give you a picture of what really happened. Be warned, these are not bombings, they are far worse.
If you're too squeamish to watch, I'll give you a brief description of the videos here
[Trustreem link 1]
In this video, a reporter from a Detroit news outlet is at the epicenter of the "blast" narrating what has just happened about 15 minutes ago. One of the people walking around in the background seemingly searching for others, suddenly turns around and stares directly at the reporter. In just a couple of seconds, the right half of the reporter's body starts to melt away and as he collapses and writhes around in pain screaming in agony, the cameraman starts moaning in pain as well and after a minute, we hear a sickening crunchPOP! before the camera breaks after dropping to the ground. It is believed that 8 people were killed in this particular incident including the attacker who is thought to have committed suicide during the onslaught.
[Trustreem link 2]
We see Senator Hartford here giving a speech to the people of Phoenix in his bid to become Governor of Arizona. About one and a half minutes in, we see Hartford begin to get pale. His skin very rapidly loses color until it becomes grey and 3 and a half minutes into the video he is unable to speak. Just 15 seconds after he collapses as his bodyguards catch him and they look on with horror as his body severs itself at the joints simultaneously in their arms. A person in the crowd suddenly explodes killing at the moment an indeterminate number of people; it is estimated that as many as 90 could be dead.
[Trustreem link 3]
A third video apparently features a video conference between two companies cooperating together. One video shows two men sitting in wooden chairs in front of a spotlessly clean white wall; they are apparently cofounders of Vanguard Ltd., not entirely sure of what they do. The other side features the CEO and the executive board all sitting around a conference table with a window replacing one of the walls showing the city skyline.
About 10 minutes in, as they are in the middle of planning their next phase of operations, the table suddenly explodes into splinters leaving all occupants in the room dead or injured. There are splinters sticking out everywhere; what is unusual is that, judging from the video alone, there doesn't appear to be any trace of explosives found no matter how much it is analyzed. The solid, wooden table shattered and then flew apart in all directions. It appeared to be so forceful though that some appeared to have acted like bullets. One of the dead, slumped against the wall behind him, directly in front of the camera was missing both eyes and his entire body was covered in splinters, a pool of blood underneath him was getting larger by the second.
Another body was actually pinned against the wall from the splinters, mostly from his arms and his neck. A person that was still alive moaned as her splinter covered hands tried to reach into her mouth to pick out splinters from the back of her throat.
The two men on the other side looked on with blank stares; they didn't know how to react to the carnage before them. They jumped when one of the bodies, presumably the board director's body, suddenly stood up and walked towards the window, also covered in splinters. He bumped into it, stepped back from being bounced back, and walked into it again. This kept happening for another 6 minutes before the window finally broke and he walked out the window.
Then the attacker walked into the room and straight toward the camera until his entire face filled the lens. His unshaven, brown-eyed, black curly-haired, smiling face was static as noises of muscle-tearing and bone crunching took place, something you don't want to listen to ever. His eyes clouded over and his head appeared to have dropped vertically. No going off to the side or going backward, straight down.
There were two survivors.
[Trustreem link 4]
In this last video, a street camera looking down lengthways down a street captures one of the original incidents. Almost immediately, a man steps in front of the camera as his face starts twisting and distorting in extreme anger. He screams at the camera before turning around and another man close behind him gets lifted up by an unknown force before being slammed into the ground immediately killing him. Other people walking on the street witness this and try to flee but they get thrown about. Their features become distorted, one woman's skull gets slowly crushed in while a boy's arms are stretched down to the knees. A man without controlling his arm punches himself through the chest, killing him instantly. Another poor soul gets his head stuck up his own ass and another woman keels over. Apparently, her organs were trying to push their way out of her body rupturing themselves in the process.
By far one of the deadlier incidents, 95 people were killed with another 377 were injured.
We don't know where they came from or what this particular group's motives were, but there is a major threat to the civilian population by these things. There could be more out there and we would have no idea when they would strike next. That is what the government is trying to cover up. If you suspect that someone you know is one of these things, kill them with prejudice because these videos show what they are capable of doing. It's you or them.
I am Reem. Be cautious; be safe.
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