Crazy one
By Parson Thru
- 516 reads
Crazy one in a cider, wine and shellfish stupor
The rocket blasts its crew up through billowing clouds to find their space. But the clouds are flammable gasses so the engines are cut a little.
Just a little, but too much to be able to punch through the atmosphere and defeat gravity.
So the rocket begins to stall and fall back to earth.
By sheer good fortune, I am dreaming this at the same time and floating nearby in the same sky.
I scoop the rocket in both hands and throw it upward through the billowing clouds.
This isn't helping, so I throw it again and again to try to move it on its way.
I think I gave up in the end. Sometimes you just have to.
I don't know what happened to the rocket and its crew after that. I don't think I was dreaming in their sky any more.
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