Dwellers of the New World Chapter Eleven ( Pt 5 ) The Fog Returns
By skinner_jennifer
- 2173 reads
Cinnamon awoke, at first startled as to where she was, then remembering her plans she stretched and came to standing, the dampness without a fire was evident, she rubbed her arms and shivered with the cold.
It was starting to move towards late afternoon and so far she'd not been found. The girl knew that Brad would be looking for her, so decided that moving closer to the ship would be the best idea, that way she could hide on board and be ready when it set sail.
There was the sound of someone coming, voices were getting closer and closer, once again she kept low hoping it wasn't Brad. The darkness of the back of the cave concealed her well and unless someone came with torchlight, then she wouldn't be found.
Two figures stood at the entrance placing their wares on the ground. Cinnamon overheard one of them say...”Well that's it for today, how do you fancy a drink before home?”
There was a pause...then she heard the other figure saying, “We'd better make the best of this good weather, looks like the fog could be back later...I could do with a drink too.”
Before she knew it, the two figures disappeared and she was left alone again. The afternoon moved on, Cinnamon wondered if the weather changed would the ship set sail, especially if the fog was still around tomorrow? There was so much to think about that she wondered when to make her next move. Picking up some more sacking she tore it, making a cape to wear around her shoulders for extra warmth and a scarf for her head, she felt pleased with her make do clothes.
After a while she made her way to the entrance, checking that the coast was clear. There were still a lot of people around, but the sun was starting to go down and it would be getting dark. She decided to bide her time, her gut feeling was that soon most people would want to be at home.
Cinnamon was right, as darkness fell she looked out to sea noticing a fog coming in off the ocean, it was eerie and the girl knew she would have to keep her wits about her. It did not take long for the beach to become empty and the fog to make itself known inland. Without any light Cinnamon would find it difficult to navigate her way around, but she had stood at the entrance and watched carefully as to which direction she should go.
Stepping from the cave cold and dirty, she made her way down the beach, the ghostly figure of the ship stood quietly in the darkness and the smog. The girl knew that she needed to get on board quickly and find somewhere to hide. Large, thick ropes hung from the sides of the ship, Cinnamon wondered what they were for, but after relieving herself in the ocean she decided to climb one of the ropes at the stern, which had large knots from the top to bottom, they made good footholds and soon she was on board.
Being very quiet she sneaked along the deck listening for any movement, all was silent, except for the clucking of chickens in cages, but she could also detect voices from below deck. Finding some sacks of food and barrels, she moved them around quietly, so she could make herself comfortable and well hidden. The sacks smelt of damp earth where they'd been stored in the caves, Cinnamon wondered what was in them, but was unable to prise the sacks open to have a look.
Trying to get comfortable was not easy, she fidgeted, everything felt cold and damp against her skin. This was going to be a long hard night, but she was determined to persevere for the sake of Varden and rescuing Dawson, so she pulled her sacking she wore further in around her and tried to close her eyes.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Eleven ( Pt 6 ) Seeking for to Find | ABCtales
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But did she sleep, I wonder?
But did she sleep, I wonder?
Another atmospheric chapter, Jenny, with some lovely descriptions which, as ever, with your writing, take the read right there.
Much enjoyed.
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I hope this dosent end in
I hope this dosent end in tears! Another good read Jenny, really draws the reader in.
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Helllo Jenny, your
Helllo Jenny, your descriptions ha dme shivering and if the poor girl manages to get her head down it will b e littlel short of a miracle in the circumstances. I can't do it and my bed is more comfortable than what the girl has to put upwith. Another good part to this unfolding story.
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Quite a young girl
Looks like Cinnamon is the real hero here, wonderful descriptions, a real sense of time and place, nicely paced and a quick compelling read Ray
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