Home Read Write Forums Blogs Mrs Muhulu and the Onion of Terror By pepsoidTue, 01 Oct 2013 637 reads It rolled slowly towards her, emitting dark and unrelenting vapours, as her eyes throbbed in anticipation of the agony to come. And then she remembered it was just an onion. Certificate PGStoryMysterious Moments of Mrs MuhuluHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
Mrs Muhulu and the Onion of Terror By pepsoidTue, 01 Oct 2013 637 reads It rolled slowly towards her, emitting dark and unrelenting vapours, as her eyes throbbed in anticipation of the agony to come. And then she remembered it was just an onion. Certificate PGStoryMysterious Moments of Mrs MuhuluHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments