By Joe Berridge Beale
Fri, 11 Oct 2013
- 449 reads
GODSPEED (Screen play)
Setting: Inner city London.
VIOARR. Wearing a leaf imprint hoodie. Green hair.
HOENIR. Wearing a violet shirt. Silver hair.
VIOARR and HOENIR are walking together towards a cinema with poster for the movie: 'Silence is bliss' spread across the top of the building. Before they arrive they are accosted by an elderly couple who are having trouble with a map. Looking to HOENIR for help they only get a scowl for their trouble. Luckily for them VIOARR steps in and mimes that neither of them can speak since they're mutes. The elderly couple nod embarrassedly however VIOARR still looks at their map and offers to lead them where they need to go, much to HOENIR'S annoyance, who gestures to the theatre.
Despite her friend's wishes, VIOARR leads the elderly couple down the road. Rolling her eyes, HOENIR goes along with them. Soon enough the four of them arrive at the destination, the road has been set up as a race track, and by the look of everyone there it's about to start. The elderly couple wave to one of the runners and VIOARR smiles. HOENIR is looking grouchy until she spies the banner above the runners 'First place gets a thousand pounds'. She elbows her friend who also looks, a thought having entered her head, VIOARR jumps up and down excitedly and gets a leaflet out of her pocket. It's advertising a charity 'Cure super plague.' HOENIR waves the idea aside with a smirk, and looking round, spies a TV shop where a brand new 50 inch liquid flat screen is shown in the window going for one thousand pounds exactly. She runs to the shop and presses her face to the glass. VIOARR visibly sighs and goes to where her friend is salivating, prodding her shoulder and pointing to the leaflet with more urgency than last time. HOENIR points to the word charity on the card and then points to her self with a thumb.
Before the two get in an argument, two professional runners jog by them to join the race. VIOARR looks at the athletic bodies of the men, then to her her own, and frowns. How is she going to to win against them? HOENIR on the other hand is leaning forward to bet a better look at their butts. VIOARR hits her friend lightly with the leaflet for being a perv in public and points to the runners and then to their own unfit bodies before gesturing that they should go back to the theatre. After a moment's thought HOENIR nods and gestures that VIOARR should lead the way. VIOARR begins to walk but soon realises HOENIR is not beside her. Turning round she sees her friend warming up among the runners with a running number belt around her waist. Peeved, she buys her own and takes her place next to HOENIR, who smiles sweetly as if it was a practical joke before looking away with an expression of contempt as she brushes the hair out of her face.
The runners settle, and we get a shot of VIOARR'S and HOENIR'S eyes; neither of them want to lose, especially not to each other. The starter raises his pistol and fires, the runners stampeding away at his go while the crowd cheers them on. Right at the back of the group, it's a while before the girls will get to move, so HOENIR tries to excel her advantage early by distracting her friend: pointing behind them and making a cross with her fingers. VIOARR turns around in surprise, no one told her the second coming of Christ was today. However, upon looking she finds no such thing. Turning back to chastise her friend, she finds that her and the group have already moved ahead of her. In a huff, she catches up with them.
The two girls do well at first, slipping in and out of the spaces between the bigger runners, however it soon becomes evident that neither of them have the stamina to keep up. Dragging to a stop, both come to a panting halt by the road. VIOARR looks ready to give in, however HOENIR still has a tenacious glint in her eye. Looking around, she spies a pair of roller skates near a bike, and notices that the owners are preoccupied on their phones. We get a shot of VIOARR still panting, before she looks to the side in shock. HOENIR has stolen the roller skates and is going after the crowd of runners. She looks to the owner, but he and his friend are too busy playing space invaders to notice what's happened. She looks to the bike, then to HOENIR, then to the charity leaflet, and the next thing you see is VIOARR speeding past the two boys on the bike.
VIOARR speeds on through the runners, tucking her running number belt under her shirt as she does. Giving apologetic looks to everyone around her, she clears the main group and begins to gain on HOENIR, who sees this and scowls. Seeing a line of happy children holding out fruit and water for the athletes to eat and drink, she speeds up and knocks every item out of each side's hands, creating a minefield of slippery bananas and puddles of water. VIOARR gives her friend an outraged look, but the other girl doesn't care, flipping up two middle fingers before rushing off to catch up to the leaders. Nimbly, VIOARR manoeuvres her bike through the obstacles, much to the joyful faces of the onlookers. Looking back, she sees the runners were not so lucky: the ones at the front slipping on banana skins and getting their shorts wet from the puddles. Turning her head back forward, she fixes her face to determination. This is no longer just about the money, this is a domestic battle of good vs. evil.
Seeing that the road ahead does a u-turn, she takes a short cut through an alley way and ends up almost colliding with her friend on the other road. Both look to each other balefully as they get faster and faster, eventually digressing to gnashing at each other with their teeth as they pass the third and second in the lead. Eventually both realise they're near the first place runner, they are incredibly tired but HOENIR grasps some energy by snatching a soda out of a child's hand as they go, causing the tyke to start crying. VIOARR mouths a curse as HOENIR spurts herself on to the side of the lead runner. The silver haired girl tries to get past the guy, but finds that he keeps catching up to her. Out of strength, she rails her mind for a way to get ahead of him. Finding a small log lying on the side of the road, she picks it up and is about to hit the runner over the head with it, when she spots two policemen enjoying their lunch in a nearby car. Ditching the log with a frustrated look, she scans the area for anything that can help her, but only finds VIOARR trying to keep up behind her, drenched in sweat.
For a moment she merely looks with malice at her friend, why is she so persistent? Then a light goes on in her head, and her pupils shrink as her cruel smile widens. Turning to the runner beside her, she rests her arm on his shoulder to get his attention. He looks her way, and the silver haired girl points back at her green haired friend with a flirty expression and a nod before pointing back at him. He looks at VIOARR under the impression that she's into him, and he misinterprets her exhausted movements and panting for sexual body language. HOENIR gives him a thumbs up, and he jogs back a little way to talk to his supposed new love interest. Grabbing the opportunity to lead, HOENIR bends her knees so she can speed on faster.
The athlete comes up to VIOARR with as much swagger as he can muster and begins giving her the eye. VIOARR shakes her head and shrugs in a confused manner, what is this guy doing? Seeing that she's not as reactive as he thought she would be, he gestures ahead to where HOENIR used to be, points to VIOARR then to himself, and creates a love heart with his fingers. The green haired girl gives a shocked impression and shakes her head in as many ways the human neck can shake a cranium. Suddenly stricken with melancholy, the athlete is too caught up in his own sadness to notice he's headed for a tree, and whacks into it in a comical manner.
Now fuelled by her anger, VIOARR paces on and finds her nemesis standing still above a road that heads steeply downwards. You'd have to tread carefully down this slide of a road even if you were on foot, on wheels, it''s a death wish. To enraged to realise, VIOARR speeds pasts her, whacking the manipulating girl's back as she does so, sending them both cascading down. Each of the friends spin madly out of control and with terrified expressions end up holding each other for support as they descend. By some miracle each manage to turn safely on to the race road at the bottom. Both hyperventilate and rest on one another for a period, then turn on each other. HOENIR spreads her arms out as if accusing her friend of trying to murder her, VIOARR places her palms upwards on her bars with a fretful expression as if to say she didn't know. VIOARR then remembers the injustice done to her and drags HOENIR in by her collar, pointing behind her, then creating a chief's A-OK sign with her free hand before waving it away.
HOENIR shrugs with an apologetic grin before nodding behind her and flexing her muscles with an appreciative nod. VIOARR does not share her friend's sentiment and whacks her bars to let her know, soon after pointing to HOENIR and miming slitting her throat. HOENIR bobs her head from side to side with rolled eyes in response before scheming up another way to disadvantage her friend. After a moment, the silver haired girl taps on VIOARR'S shoulder and then places her tongue between her forefinger and index finger, licking upwards in a seductive motion.
The creeped out VIOARR swerves away, which leads her onto the main road. HOENIR pushes her right cheek out with her tongue and moves her clawed hand back and forth in front of her mouth as VIOARR speeds away. Frightened for her life on the rapid road with cars coming from the opposite direction, VIOARR cringes and makes a tight turn over a roadside garden to make her way over to the race road, flattening several rather exotic looking flowers on the way. Grabbing a bucket of water on the way out of the garden, she splashes HOENIR with vengeance on her return.
Now both girls are angrier than hell has the stomach for, and begin their race in its true form. Wheels begin steaming as the riders push their sporting equipment to its limit, each flashing across the road like superman. Up ahead are some activists are peacefully demonstrating in the middle of the road against the use of leather in trainers. One of them blocks the sun with his eyes and squints, what on earth is that coming their way? Before he knows it, he and everyone behind him have been bludgeoned out of the way, the last to topple spinning around on one foot before finally biting the pavement.
HOENIR spits out a card asking whether speed is worth it as superficial parts fly off VIOARR'S liberated bike. The girls are going so fast now that sparks are flying from the back of their wheels, but looking ahead, they see it can't last: a line of schools children is crossing the road. Oh look little Timmy has dropped his lolly that's just perfect. Each look to each other sharply before deciding the route they're going to take. VIOARR ends up clearing the line with a well timed jump over them, and HOENIR takes to the brick wall instead of wasting time angling around the teachers on the pavement, wall skating for a couple of seconds before landing back on the pavement and then onto the race road.
The end rope is in sight, and the pair are blazing with such ferocity that electricity is now streaming from their wheels. They would have carried on in this way had the sign 'No vehicles allowed in the race' not alerted them to their error. Both their rides in tatters anyway, they ditch the things before anyone notices, and jump to running the final stretch. For a few seconds the scene goes slow motion, and HOENIR plays her last Ace in the hole, attempting to trip up VIOARR at the last moment. The foot looks as though it's going to connect until VIOARR hops up and propels herself off of it. HOENIR goes down raging and VIOARR leaps through the finish line like a champion.
With the silver medal winner flipping over tables in anger, the green haired girl goes to the manager of the race and points to the 'First place gets one thousand pounds' banner and then taps on her charity leaflet. The manager looks confused, before scoffing and pointing to the small print underneath: 'First place gets one thousand pounds in the finals.' Looking down, VIOARR sees that her running number belt says trial run on it. The girls look to each other, and eventually smile.
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