Short burst of Inspiration v3
By Seraphina
- 135 reads
Everything in my body screamed at me to flee. Primal insistant twitches in my muscles urged me to get as far away from this preditor as fast as my shaky legs would allow. Which given her fluid swift motion as she swayed from side to side, would not be very far at all. My mental facaulties were thankfully one of the only things not at a complete loss for how to handle this very pecular sitation. Preditors lived for the chase and this otherworldly creature was eyeing me with a strange desire I had never encountered. It was almost as if I were a delightfully new breed of mouse for this kitty to play with to sait her mind numbingly boring existence. I could tell she wanted me, or something from me. It was in her eyes, thoes delisiously shiny jewel pink eyes. Whatever it was that she wanted, she wanted it bad, maybe just maybe bad enough to let me live.
"Your kind of pretty in a plain kind of way, did you know that?" With a swish her torso, the only part of her still visible, floated much to close for comfort. At this proximity I could see the sunlight relect off the dazziling shard like prisims inside her iris. Her pale skin would have reminded me almost of death come back to life. There were no shades of pink, peach or tan, just pure white everywhere. The thought crossed my mind that she wanted to kill me just so she could eat my skin and rejuvinate her own. I mean she was talking about how pretty I looked right? a "plain" sort of way to put it her way. I couldnt really rebuttle that statment when compared to her I was sure calling me "plain" looking was a compliment. I felt like a soggy drowning poodle next to this etheral beauty swaying, swishing ever so close to me in the water. You probably think I'm nuts for saying a moving corpse is beautiful. But there was this angelic white shimmer that lightly dusted her entire upper torso. As if she had been perfectly brushed in a fine coat of white fairy dust. Her shimmery white skin made the pink jewels of her cat eyes stand out that much more.
"Did I petrify you into a stupor?" At that comment she cocked her head to the side and studied me as if I were the enigma and not her. Of course I guess if some strange human girl had dropped randomly into the middle of my summer time swim I would be a little intreiged as well.
"If you don't start to talk I might be forced to steal that useless tongue right out of your mouth" That was the moment she chose to give me a real nice big smile. Like a lunatic cat with a feral grin her sharp fangs winked into existence between her pale pink lips. One by one they made their appearence and every single one was just as sharp as the first few. Images of her imagined cold dead hands prying my jaw open and then the lowering of her lips to my mouth as her fingers struck lighting fast to yank my squirming wet tongue taunt so she could take a nice big bite, severing my poor innocent tonge from my head. An unwated shiver skipped down my spine and all too soon my words ran amoke over and on top of themselves.
"hinkyourveriettyoo" Sucking in a deep gulp of air I tried again, least she decided that I could only speak gibberish and devour me right thn and there and be done with it.
"What I meant to say is, your very pretty and and I'm not so so sure how I got here, in this water here I mean, and I know that I'm kind of running on here but I would very much like it if you could maybe leave me alone or if your feeling up to it point me in the right direction so I could be on my way and find some nice solid sturdy dry land to pass out on" Wait what did I say? I probably shouldnt have blurted out that I was ready to pass out...even if it was terribly obvious by the way my legs would intermittenly give out and stop kicking only to struggle like mad when the water line started to slip over the blessidly still dry skin of my neck. Allowing my head to fully dunk under was a horrid, absolutly aweful image I couldnt get out of my mind. I felt that if that happened I would see things, things I would never being able to unsee. Whatever was below that water line, allowing this girl like creature to easily tread the water so quickly, that sight would probably cement my insanty and push me over the edge. Being stuck in the middle of endless water, probably a ocean of some sort, that I could deal with. Being eaten alive by some crazy cat eyed chick, okay that would freak me out a bit. But finding out exactly what kind of sea monster this thing beside me was, no I really felt I would feint if I was forced to witness whatever strange thick thing that kept brushing up against my toes under the water.
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