A Knight In The Apocalypse
By Miguel De La Cruz
- 510 reads
Chapter Three: Inside the Knight’s fortress.
Steven had finally arrived at the destination, which happened to be a Wally-Mart. Everyone began to wake up, lazily stretching and yawning,
"Are we finally there yet?"
Mitchell rolled off the seat and tried to pull himself together. Erica was just hoping that Steven wasn't lying about the running water, it had been three days since she had found a working shower...
Riot sat there reading enthusiastically a kindle E-Book, most real books had been burned in the mass lootings or for warmth.
Steven turned to them and said "Let me signal Adrian so we can head inside."
He honked three times slowly, then someone on top of the building dropped a rope ladder.
"Why is there a rope ladder?” asked Erica
Riot stared at her and responded "We cemented the doorways, whatever you do, don't cause a fire."
Erica questioned the idea of the door being sealed off.
"What if there's a fire? We won't all be able to make it to the top, and it would kill us!"
Steven gave her a warm look, "Then I'll break the walls down to get you out."
Riot rolled her eyes and got out of the limo, then everyone followed suit. When they reached the roof they met a man of Hispanic descent, his name is Adrian.
"Don't worry, we have many fire extinguishers."
Surprised, Erica replied, "How? -"
Adrian chuckled and said "We have hidden Mics down there, and we use this to listen."
Adrian showed off his gadgets, most electronics don't work anymore and it’s rare to find anything in good condition.
Steven greeted Adrian with a cool handshake, and Adrian handed him a box of bullets afterwards.
"Here’s what I owed you, that's the last time I play black jack with you."
The dollar was worthless and people dealt in supplies.
Everyone proceeded to walk down the stairs leading to the ground floor. Erica noticed stains on the walls, blood had been splattered and was riddled with bullet holes.
Steven was no longer that guy she met used to know. The guy couldn't take anything seriously and hated responsibility above all else. Now he was running a base, and started a plan to colonize.
She guessed he had to grow up someday... She just didn't think he would be a dangerous man in the future.
They reached an area of the store filled with tents, only three seemed to be in use.
"We have the showers near the bathroom, thanks to Adrian, our resident plumber. The hand crank charger is for everyone, and the Pool is near the back."
Erica was once again surprised, a Pool? How could you think of a pool with those awful monsters on the loose?
"Steven built the pool for my birthday, with some help from Adrian, of course. Good thing this store is huge."
She glanced over and saw it was an in ground pool. Either Steven wanted to be with her too, or he was just really kind...
Riot loved the look on Erica's puzzled face, knowing she might get the wrong idea.
"Steven is getting the food ready, I'm going to go help him. Be sure to make yourselves comfortable, and pick a tent!"
Riot seemed excited, she had a crush on Steven. It was obvious to everyone, but Steven has always been oblivious. She had to hint at him HARD, but that's not cutting it.
She loved to spend time with him. They had fun together, but Steven still distanced himself. She knew he didn't want to make things awkward between them.
Erica walked over to the supplies section and picked out a change of clothes. The place seemed a little run down, but it was better than any camp she's ever heard of or seen. It even had working generators.
Wade must've taught Steven how to fix them.
Erica began to head for the women’s shower, but Riot walked next to her, almost matching her pace.
"Hey! I was meaning to talk to you."
Erica saw that both of them were alone. Steven had fallen asleep in his tent, and the others were in the pool, water fighting.
"Yeah? I was just about to take a shower."
She knew this was going to be kind of awkward.
Riot asked "Erica, what do you think of Steven? I just want to know if you actually like him back, or if you're just tagging along for the ride."
Erica didn't know what to make of this blunt question, knowing that Riot was expecting the same of her answer.
"I don't know... I guess he's alright now, but I don't like him like that." Erica seemed nervous.
Riot paid close attention to the "now" part. Knowing that even though Erica said that, she was going to be an obstacle.
"Erica, you know I like him, it’s pretty obvious. All I’m saying is that you should stay away from him, and don’t get in my way."
Erica didn't like Steven but she didn’t like being spoken to in that manner.
Erica said “Sure…” reluctantly.
She decided not to prolong this conversation and began to walk into the shower.
"I’m go take a shower and then take a nap, good talk..."
Riot said “Ok” and left for her tent.
After her shower, Erica managed to find a tent. She liked how big they were; you could fit a horse in there.
The inside had a large comfy bed, instead of a sleeping bag. It also had a couple of decorations, and some electronic devices for entertainment.
The next morning, only Steven and the girls were awake. The others had stayed in the water for too long, and were very sore.
"Ok, I'm going to explain the chores." Said Steven in a firm tone.
"We have to clean the place, categorize our supply and harvest our crops. We're running out of the canned stuff, and believe me, the due dates are getting very close."
He grabbed a couple of field gloves, and other tools to help with the harvesting.
"Tell Adrian he can rest; he's done a fine job by himself."
The place looked cleaner and he took care of the plants, which were water grown. It makes it grow faster and without the need for soil.
By the time the others awoke, it was time for weapons training. The new bloods needed to know how to defend their base.
Steven took out some pistols and bullets, then handed them out to the others.
"We're going to do target practice, afterwards we're going to spar in melee training."
Everyone grabbed a weapon and were instructed on how to use it, three hours later everyone decide to take a break. Some went back to their tents, the others grabbed a snack. Steven wondered if they'd ever be ready, then it was time for close combat training.
Mitchell and Riot practiced with bamboo swords. Even if the weapon used in combat is a baseball bat, he needed to learn technique.
Riot was beating him in every turn, Mitchell became frustrated, and began to fight dirty. Worst mistake of his life. Riot used to be in a gang called, The Skulls.
They were notorious for being ruthless in close combat, deadly with melee weapons. They weren't killed off easy though, it's why Steven was able to rescue Riot. Two rival gangs had teamed up to annihilate The Skulls.
Mitchell kept swinging his sword, following with punches and kicks. Riot stomped on his feet, attacked his weak spots with prejudice, and even hit him in the balls with the sword's hilt.
"Stick to the training Mitchell. You'll last longer."
Erica trained with Steven, who taught her the basics to Muay Thai and Judo. She was uncomfortable with Jiu Jitsu, because it required them to be very close. She could still see Riot swinging that wooden sword, better to be safe than sorry.
Ian had it rough as well, since Adrian doesn't let up. His philosophy when it comes to fighting is speed and precision. Ian barely had any time to think before another punch reached his face. Which was great, every fighter has to be whittled down to their core. That's when they finally stop thinking and start to adapt.
A week passed by, everyone had become united as a family. Bonds that would last a lifetime were forged, and trust was finally a reality. Then it happened, the radio went off loudly.
"Steve! Steve! We caught a lead concerning Simon. Your nephew is safe, but you have to hurry. He's trapped in a building surrounded with giant mutants!"
Mutants; rejected experimental super soldiers.
Steven knew that he couldn't leave this alone, the king had a trap for him. After their falling out, Andre had two clear motives: expansion and the death of Steven.
Andre felt betrayed when Steven freed all the prisoners. They were innocent people, Steven bode his time, and one night he helped them escape. They were all recaptured, Andre gave him the option: execute the prisoners or face torture and death.
Steven had been the king's right hand man, but Andre grew too greedy and impatient. When Steven heard of the mass slaughters, he couldn’t be a part of it anymore. Andre was killing innocent people who refused to join his tyrannical rule.
His idealistic society were filled with self-righteous and devout citizens. He valued intellect, and ruled them by controlling their thoughts. Easier to trick people when they think they are being led by one of their own.
They both knew the ends justified the means, but he didn't want the world to be slaughtered because of one man's greed.
"Okay. Riot, I want reconnaissance. When you reach Simon, deliver this care package. I'll meet you half way."
Steven handed her a backpack, and Riot went to her tent. Gearing up for what was to come, and excited because Steven trusted her with this mission. The operation was commencing; Riot was ready to head out. She passed by Erica and glared at her. "I'll be back, don't try anything."
With a cold breeze, she knew that Riot was dead serious. Erica saw her leave, but she didn't use any of the ladders. Riot had jumped off a lot of surfaces, before she did a tuck and roll.
This girl was not someone you want to anger, Erica took heed. After all, she isn't really interested in him.
Steven looking so serious, pacing back and forth. Drawing plans on how to obtain vehicles, how to use the least amount of ammunition possible, etc.
Then it hit him, the giant mutants have a weakness. It'll be strenuous but at least the plan will succeed. He knew this day would come, but he’s not ready to die just yet.
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