Why I love school but hate education.
By Rebecca123
- 760 reads
People always tell you education is key, and that without it we wouldn't get anywhere.But I heard something once, something that stuck with me for a long time. 'We all have different abilities, thought processes and genes so why is a class full of individuals tested by the same means?'. At first, it didn't really make sense to me. Because when you think about it, we've been a part of the education system for the whole of our 'glory years', so we know nothing better than to follow the belief that education provides us all with equal opportunity. But then you start to read further into the quote, and you see just how relatable it is. Education takes away our freedom of thought, it rewrites our youth and degrades our selfworth. So why do we all choose to accept what is thrown at us?
I personally, love school but hate the education system. There is nothing I love more than to learn about new things and expand my knowledge. But the way we are forced to do this, is something I don't personally support.
When I applied for sixth form, I was asked if I had a career in mind, and as a matter of fact I did, I wanted to teach English in high school. But despite how much I want to do this, I won't be certain if that is what I want until I am a teacher.
I think the education system we have is disgusting. Foundation sets and higher sets are used to distinguish those who are intelligent from those who struggle in certain subjects. I understand that some people do not care at all about their education, but is that their own fault, or the fault of those who have set up the education sytem? Many children and students operate in many different ways. We have different body clocks, minds and work habits. No matter what is enforced, we will never be able to fully commit to the Education system.
Another thing I heard once that stuck with me, was 'Exams are societies method of telling you what you are worth, but you can't let society tell you what you are. Because this is the same society that tells you that abortion is wrong, but looks down on teenage parents. The same society that sells products that promote natural hair, looks and smooth complexion, but with the model on the box half photoshopped. With pastors that preach charity, but own private jets. Parents say they want educated kids, but marvel at how rich Richard Branson is. Governments that preach peace but endorce wars. That say they believe so much in higer education and further learning, then increase tuition fees every single year.' This is completely self-explanatory, but has such a massive impact. When I heard it, I related to it in such a direct way, and this was when I started questioning our whole Education system.
'So test us with tests, but the finals are never final. Because they never prepare us for the biggest test which is survival.'
'So I do not expect everyone to understand this, except for the kids who know what it feels like to be worth no more than that D or that A that you get on results day. Or the one's whose best story was never good enough for their english teacher because apparently he missed out key literal techniques, did not follow the class plan and the language was to informal for him to understand. Then you would ask if he knew that Shakespeare was the innevator of slang. So this one is for my generation. The one's who found what they were looking for on Google, the one's who followed their dreams on Twitter, pictured their future on Instagram, accepted destiny on Facebook. This one's for my failures and my drop-outs. We will not let exam results decide our fate.'
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'finals are never final' - I
'finals are never final' - I like that. The education system wastes so much time on Sats to test the children and Ofsteds to test the teachers. In the words of an hippie from Glasgow
'When will they ever learn' - Donovan 'where have all the flowers gone?' Elsie
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