Elder Earth: The Fight for Freedom - Kah'arun
By Rekuo Mehra
- 401 reads
Done: Prologue/Chapter 1
Chapter 1 to Elder Earth: The Fight for Freedom
“Sire, Sire” shouted Gaerwin the half elf as he hastened towards his Lords castle, Gaerwin was unlike other Elves, he was shorter than the rest, more like a dwarf or a gnome than an elf and as skinny as a white twig, but born on the elven lands and from an elven mother. He was loved by many and was the messenger for Lord Ortsin the commander of Kah’arun. Gaerwin had no biological family just a throng of homing pigeons to do his messaging. “Yes boy, why do you seek my sudden attention?” says Ortsin in the elven tongue Kahati. “I have a message from The High Copitol.” says Gaerwin gasping for air. “Ah, my good friend the Wizard has written after so many summers. Read it to me would you young boy?” commands the Lord, “of course sire.” After clearing his throat, he began “My Lord Ortsin, as the king of the Elder Earth I am requesting rule over your city of Kah’arun, this shall be an order that must be obeyed. I shall not here no for answer, and if I do my army of millions will march to your gates ready to fight for their great king. You are a trusted friend and I am certain you will not betray this friend of yours. With Blessings, King Ralean Mont Talon.”
“Oh gods of the elves, what falseness am I hearing? Give me the scroll boy!” Ortsin read the letter again shockingly. “The Wizard cannot do this, I am having none of it!” he spoke to himself. “Gaerwin, send your homings to the free cities and tell them about this treachery. If this is the case Kah’arun will fight for its honour and freedom.”
“As you wish, sire” Gaerwin obeyed and ran back to his messaging quarters.
“Sir Arina, get me Yugawin, Terawin and Shoite and tell the liegemen to put up the sigils right away” Ortsin told one of his guards. “Yes sire.” Arina went on to search for the three elves he was required to bring after he commanded the liegemen. Sir Arina arrived at the practice field where he could see the three elves battling, “Yugawin, Terawin, Shoite! Sire requires your attention at once. Get your horses and follow me right away!” They all looked at Sir Arina and followed his command. Yugawin was an archer, brilliant and accurate. There were myths all over Elder Earth that Yugawin cannot miss a single arrow making him the greatest archer that ever lived in Elder Earth. He had short hair unlike the other elves who left their golden hair long. He chose short because he did not want his hair getting in the way of his aim, although it attracted a lot of attention he did not care what others think.
Shoite was the best swordslady in Kah’arun. She was a woman that loved the thrill of combat and all she did was practice from dawn to dusk. She was looked down upon because she was a woman but she always thought it was because she was better than any man in the city and jealousy had gotten the better of them. Her hair was always tied back into the strongest tail so she can use it as a whip to protect her back.
Last was Terawin, he was a Dark Elf from the foreign lands of Kah’runi but he grew into a man and lived among Sun Elves his whole life being raised by the Lord Ortsin himself. The only person in Kah’arun to have black hair and ears that had two points instead of one. He was a hunter, someone who wielded a two blades and had the quickest actions. Elves spread the false rumours of him being a natural born killer just like all the Dark Elves and he will cause anarchy in the great Elven city of Kah’arun when the time is right.
“Why are we being summoned by the Lord at such time?” asked Terawin as they rode along the marble path to the castle. “I have no knowledge of the reason young one,” they rode into the castle and were accompanied into the throne room. “Ah, my fellow warriors. The Elves are in need of you at a time of such despair.”
“What is the matter sire?” Taking a large breathe Ortsin tells them about the letter. “We will not give in, the war will be our first but we shall not lose our great city! I want you three to gather our army and put them onto the practice fields right away. You three shall make sure that the army is ready.” The three look at each other with quite a surprise. “Why us sire?”
“Because as far as I know, you three are the best fighters we have in Kah’arun, the army needs commanders like you.” “Sire, I don’t think we should make this decision over a few rumours” Sir Arin pointed out. “I did not ask you for your advice sir. Now take these three to the army quarters and have them start right away.”
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