Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fourteen ( Pt 2 ) Making Decisions
By skinner_jennifer
- 1415 reads
It was getting late as darkness began sweeping across the night sky, revealing a full Winter moon and the many stars that twinkled, throwing light on the countless flying bats that inhabited the Island, it gave an enigmatic eeriness to the atmosphere, but was not unusual for this time of the year on Wild Whistling Isle. Their destination, the mountains where on the other side food was more abundant and the temperature much warmer at night.
The wind had subsided and all was quiet, apart from the few men that were awake and creeping around the camp quietly, to avoid detection. It hadn't taken long for the sleeping powder to work. Bracus and his men lay where they collapsed, some of them had their mouths open to the elements, their breathing erratic and faces deathly rigid, without expression, no amount of prodding would wake them.A high pitched whistle was communicated from the camp, travelling through the darkness, a signal that it was okay for Liora and her party to enter. She lit a torch from the beacon at the tunnel entrance, and with her other hand she gestured for the others to follow quietly.
They cautiously advanced forward, Jay and Ben were lost in thought of where Liora would take the children once they'd rescued them. Usha followed on behind with Derland, crouching low unsure of what they were walking into.
When Brigs caught sight of the flaming torch, he quickly made his way over to where he could be seen. “Psst!” He called out. “Over here!” He signalled that it was safe to approach.
Advancing towards the man, there was only one thing on Liora's mind, and that was the children. In the darkness she took Brigs hand and grasped it tight, her grip strong with determination. “Take us to Varden and the other children,” she whispered. “There's no time to waste.”
Brigs swung round quick, breaking the woman's grasp and leading the way. Moving steadily through the camp, they arrived at the shelter that Varden was in, the boy lay on his side in the corner unaware of the people watching him.
Brigs bent down and prodded him with his finger. “Varden...wake up.” As he spoke the boy stirred wondering what was happening, his gaunt body fixed with fear and eyes suddenly wide open. “What...what's going on?” He called out, frightened of the figures standing over him, thinking that he was about to be kidnapped again.
Liora could see the fear in his eyes, so quickly bent down and smiled kindly at him. “It's okay Varden...we're friends, come to save you and the other children.” She turned back to Brigs with concern. “Untie the boy...we'll go free the others.” Then indicated to Varden. “We have to move fast, so there's no time for explanations...just do as I say.”
As Brigs released the boy, he seemed to understand the situation, and very shakily stood up stretching and yawning. His whole body ached and had become stiff, his legs were like lead weights from his ordeal as he put one foot in front of the other. “Where...where's Bracus?” he stuttered unable to quite believe he was free.
“The big man's sleeping very deeply...that's all you have to know.” Replied Brigs, desperate for sleep himself, but knowing there was so much more that needed doing before he could relax. “Are you ready to go now boy?” He asked understanding how Varden must be feeling.
“Yeah! I think so.” Varden followed Brigs out in to the cold night air. “Is there any chance of some food and warm clothing?” He asked clutching himself, his whole body shivering.
Brigs took the boy over to where some of the meat was still warm and there were some tasty bones for him to chew on. Varden ate like he'd never seen food before he was so ravenous. Then Brigs got him some boots and a fur which he wrapped around himself, then continued to eat.
Liora's eyes saddened when she saw the youngsters huddled together in the furs, she felt a surge of anger towards Bracus building up inside, now she knew how the children were brought here, and the fact they'd been kidnapped from their families, it was more than she cared to think about and gave her a gloomy feeling.
Both Liora – Usha – Jay and Ben rounded the children up, leading them out of the shelter. Scared and frightened the youngsters did as they were told, trembling in the torchlight. They picked up their furs clinging to each other for comfort, as they started to move out.
Cinnamon suddenly appeared from out of the shadows, holding Will's hand. “What's going on...where are you taking us?” She questioned Liora.
As the woman went to speak, Varden appeared too, from out of the darkness with Brigs. He was so pleased to see the girl he'd built a friendship up with since he'd left the doom chamber. “Cinnamon...thank goodness you're all right...I thought something terrible had happened to you.”
Cinnamon turned to see the boy, a smile filled her face as she quickly reached out and hugged him. “Oh Varden...it was me who was worried for you.” She had such a lot to ask the boy, not knowing where to start first.
There was no time for talk. Liora turned to Cinnamon. “In answer to your question. I'm taking you all away from here, somewhere where Bracus won't find you. There's no time to lose before the dawn breaks, so I want you all to follow me and my men. Do you understand?”
Varden thought about what Liora was planning, but knew he couldn't go, his priority was to save Dawson and he knew the Island well, though Cinnamon and the children all nodded in agreement, he proceeded to follow Liora and the others out of the shelter, knowing he needed to say something now. As they left, Varden called out. “Wait! I cannot go with you.”
They all turned and looked at the boy. Cinnamon was confused, not understanding and went to stand over by Varden, with Will following on behind, still holding onto the girl's hand tightly.
Approaching Liora he started to explain about saving the man from another planet. At that moment Ben spoke up. “I think I know where Dawson is.”
Varden's eyes lit up glinting with excitement. “Where? You need to tell me now.”
Ben scratched his head and thought about it. “I'm not sure...but I think he's down in the catacombs where they keep the dead bodies.”
Varden smiled. “I know where you mean...we used to play down there when I was younger...me and my friends pretended to be guards and prisoners.” Thinking about those games, he realised how much he'd taken freedom for granted when he was younger, and was suddenly grateful that now he was free. “Thank you for releasing me,” he said smiling at Liora, “but I cannot go with you...I have to take a chance that this man in the catacombs is Dawson and save him.”
Cinnamon knew she could never leave her friend on his own. “If Varden's not going...neither am I.” She declared, standing her ground.
Then young Will spoke up. “I'm staying too...Cinnamon's my friend and promised to stay with me.” There was nothing she could say, knowing she'd made a promise to the boy.
Liora understood Varden's reasoning, though she was worried for the boy's safety.
“I'll stay with Varden!” Said Ben seeing Liora's expression of concern and deciding it would be for the best, he could then catch up with Evelyne and Nathen.
On the other hand Jay wanted to go, he not only needed to be with Liora, but also was inquisitive to see this secret place she was taking the children to.
Liora felt happier that at least Ben was going to be with the boy. “Okay! Then it's settled...I can't force anyone to go, so anybody else that wants to stay behind speak up now, because we have to leave.”
Brigs wasn't so sure he and his men should go, so decided to stay behind too. Brigs was also interested to find out more about this man Dawson. “We aren't coming either!” Announced Brigs to the woman. “There's too much to do here, and I know the children will be safe with you and your men.”
“Then it's settled,” she replied. Desperate to be off, not wanting to hang around any longer. Liora's men had cut some meat and wrapped it in sacking, as food would be scarce until they reached their destination. They were ready to leave, as Ben said goodbye to Jay, understanding completely why his brother-in-law wanted to go and be with Liora. She waved everyone on and led them out of the camp, leaving the others to watch as the children faded into the darkness.
Brigs and his men tied Bracus and his followers up, making sure they were fastened securely with rope, so they wouldn't be able to escape any time soon, then carried them to the tent where the children had been sleeping, removing all their weapons. They took it in turns to sleep before dawn approached and the sleeping men would wake from their slumbers.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fourteen ( Pt 3 ) The Trek | ABCtales
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How beautifully you set the
How beautifully you set the scene on Wild Whistling Isle at the beginning of this chapter, Jenny. Very well done.
Just a couple of minor points. In the paragraph beginning, 'As Brigs released the boy...' should be ' lead weights'
Also where you say , 'Brigs took the boy...' should be 'were some tasty bones'
And in the paragraph beginning 'They all turned...' should be girl's hand (apostrophe needed)
Another highly atmospheric read, which I really enjoyed, and as ever, am looking forward to the next one.
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Nicely done
Glad Varden and Cinnamon are going on to rescue Dawson, tense rapid fire story telling great sense of mood and emotion great job ray
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