Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire
By Miguel De La Cruz
- 684 reads
Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire
Chapter Two
El Toro was at the end of gun when I managed to reach him. It wasn't too pretty but I tackled the guy, and stabbed him with a knife.
I took the man's pistol, and retrived my knife from his stomach. Toro knew he fucked up somewhere and grabbed his gun.
"**Why in the fuck did you smuggle drugs?! Did you forget we're hiding from Jaime Reyes?!!!**"
"I was going to tell you-"
"**Shut the fuck up, and pack!**"
To be honest, it would've been easier to just move to the United States to hide. However, I was only nine and Toro just turned sixteen. Not much we could do in our situation, so we packed and moved.
We arrived at another town close to the border. There is where I started thinking of a way to gain followers. In this town there were more children left behind, and I had an idea.
You can judge all you want, we're all going to die one day. Might as well enjoy life, these kids would die of hunger in a month anyway.
"Toro, try and convince them to work for us, man."
"They're just kids..."
"Fuck you, so am I."
That night we took over a small factory that had been abandoned. We robbed a store of its food and clothes at gun point. We fed and clothed all those who agreed to work for us.
The next day I ordered them to clean the factory and kill the rats. Toro trained a couple of them as hitmen, at least what he knew. As for me, I went out and searched for contracts. People who needed someone... Liquidated.
Of course, it didn't pay that well... But, I had enough for drugs. When I got to our hide out, I noticed a couple of our kids with pistols. Toro and his dumbass ideas.
"Explain to me why there are kids with guns outside?!"
"Security, homes."
"Then tell them to holster their shit! We don't need cops looking around!"
"Ok, man.. Chill, I'mma straighten them out."
"No. You're going to take them away until they know how to use one."
"Fine, you're the boss."
After he dealt with security, he showed them how to sell. I took the truck and drove to the liquor store, I needed to send a message. The cops have a nasty habit of wanting money, but I don't feed leeches.
Once again, armed robbery was a key point in my plans. I burst through the doors with my new .357 magnum and shot the first fucker I saw. Not going to lie, it hurt like a bitch.
"Pon todas las botellas en la camioneta! Si no, pinto la pared con tu sangre!"
[T: "Put all the bottles in the truck! Or I'll paint the walls with your blood."]
Afterwards I picked up one of my new soldiers. I explained the plan as he stuffed wet rags in the bottles. When we got to the local police station, he scoped out the place.
He was in charge of setting fires at the entrances via molotov. While I hid and shot anyone who would try to kill him. As soon as they all dropped dead, we took their guns and left.
At the factory, I found Toro counting cash with a stern look.
"You know... You told me we didn't need cops around. But you what homie? You fucked up worse than me!"
"What cops? They're all dead, and we took their guns."
Toro had realized what I had done, of course it could've backfired horribly. Since this is a small town, the people here will be too scared to fight back.
"Get the boys ready within a week. You wanted to get into this business, now we can't escape it."
I left Toro to deal with the children, while I planned on how to expand quickly. Aurelio Casillas, better known as "El Señor De Los Cielos." [T: "The man of the skies."] He was a notorious drug lord, and personal hero of Toro.
He shipped drugs with the planes that he owned. However, I had a different plan... Those who rule the streets own the country.
Within a week we had six of our soldiers take point while we attacked the car carrier. As soon as I shot the window, I noticed it was bullet proof. I had Toro drive the truck as I made my way onto the the bed.
As I jumped, sirens could be heard in a distance. The kids blocked the path with fire and bullets. I made my way through the cars, after having landed on the carrier. Now, when people fear being shot, they bullet proof most of the car/truck.
The people that are smart usually bullet proof the ceiling. This guy wasn't.
A warning shot, but he got the message. He pulled over, while toro headed back. The man tried to escape, but I shot his leg.
"You're going to drive this carrier, where I tell you to. Now give me your phone. **NOW!**"
The man hesitated until he heard the gun being cocked.
"Beautiful family. I'd hate to kill every last one, now... **DRIVE!!!**"
Normally a man wouldn't be intimidated by a child. My gun was cocked and aimed at his dick, a man's most valued treasure.
In a couple of hours we arrived in mexico using dirt roads that only Coyotes know. Once we crossed the border, I personally executed him. Toro was in charge of hiring drivers, of course it was an only an unpaid internship.
We continued to pull the same jobs over and over. Stealing cars and oil tankers. Once I had a fleet of a hundred cars, I kidnapped proffessional mechanics and welders. I had an offer that they couldn't refuse.
Within months we moved drugs in and out of mexico at lightning speed. My soldiers were small but we taught them how to compensate.
They knew how to drive, kill, and speak English. There were only twelve that joined, but they were around that age anyway, I was actually younger than most. However I commanded respect, since I rescued them from poverty.
"ESQUINCLES! Listen up! Your job is to recruit more soldiers! Jaime Reyes should have heard of our operations by now. It won't be long till he attacks our factory."
I now have the largest army in the world next to china. However, I won't bad mouth my business partners. Don't worry. The world isn't drowning in drugs, there are plenty of ways to make money.
Some of which made africa a target in my conquest for my Empire. However, you're nowhere near that chapter, so don't get your hopes up and be patient. All good things come to those that wait.
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