A Knight In The Apocalypse
By Miguel De La Cruz
- 558 reads
A knight In The Apocalypse
Chapter Six
Assault on the fortress
Reports of enemy movement came as quickly as lightning. I still could not believe the number of people coming for us, but we must hold. Steve had a dark past, we all knew that... However this might be a consequence of his actions.
"Good news and bad news..."
Mitchel glared at me, fully knowing that nothing good ever came from those words.
"Just come out and say it Adrian."
This wasn't going to be easy, but time was running short.
"Dan, our contact, has bad news... We're going to be under attack."
Fear washed over Erica's face, but neither of us could do anything to help her.
"The good news is... Even though we're running out of time... We have enough weapons and ammo to take out a small army."
Ian walked up to me with a loathsome scowl and clenched fists.
"Where in the fuck is STEVE?!"
I looked down, as if to not make eye contact.
"Steve is on a rescue mission, he-"
"Well, FUCK THEM! We won't survive if he doesn't get here in time!"
Ian was causing more panic than I realized. Steve always said "You have to dull the flames of rebellion, before you get burnt."
As Ian hit the floor gasping for air, I looked at my fists intently.
"Calm. The fuck. Down."
"You son of a-"
"You were causing more harm to morale, than good. We're all going to enter the armory and hold, till Riot arrives with Steve."
I picked up my custom six chamber revolver. A gift from Wade, a mysterious friend of Steve. Shotguns are always nice to carry as well, especially an automatic.
Erica picked up a mini Uzi, and several magazines. Mitchel strapped himself with several hand guns, seems he hates reloading...
Ian took the obvious sniper rifle, throwing knives, and grenade launcher. He's a long range weapon nut, with a hard on for sharp melee weapons. Honestly, it kind of annoys me.
"We have ten minutes before they show up, everyone put on your vests... And pray we won't need them."
Ian had taken to the roof already, laying upon a water tower Steve and I created. Erica took to the lower roof, obviously separating herself from the team.
No one could blame her, we all wanted to escape. However, I don't think she'll leave. Outside these walls lurks even more danger, and to survive you need loads of luck. It's even worse for women, go ahead and piece it together.
We heard the roar of engines from miles away, we all got a little more nervous. Mitchel adjusted his holsters for a quicker draw. He stood next to me, hoping that the concentrated fire would shield him.
This was Wade's old shotgun, legendary on it's own accord. Extended shotgun rounds and shoots for as long as you hold the trigger. Its power was more brute than strategic, which is what I need now.
Known as The Rolling Thunder, this baby packs more of a punch than any rocket launcher.
There were approximately thirty enemies on motorcycles. It looked as if they wielded submachine guns, and suddenly-
Two bikers fell to the floor as Ian lined up his next shot.
It seems he had pissed off the leader, and all of them stopped. A horde of bullets came our way, tearing holes in the cement wall.
Ian had used the granade launcher and took out like four guys. Giving me time to use the Rolling Thunder on these bastards!
The sound of victory had never struck so much fear, as I laid waste to fifteen men. All blown to bits, body parts scatted everywhere. I didn't even aim well, but hip fire is best due to recoil.
Mitchell knew that he had a small opening as well, and jumped to his cowardly actions. Emptying his clips on the people running away, but who could blame him? I say that a lot, but one enemy less is still one less.
"I can't believe we did it!"
"Don't get your hopes up Ian, there are no more explosive rounds. If they come back, we'll be in big trouble."
Ian wiped the joy from his face and ran to the radio room. We knew he liked to be on top of intel, but if he fucks up our relationship with Dan... I've been given permission to end him.
"Dan, how many enemies heading our way, now?!"
Ian has this impolite way of talking that'll one day be his downfall.
"I don't know yet, who is this?"
"Then find out!"
"You got a lot of nerve talking like that to me, boy."
Its imperative that we do not lose him, otherwise we lose various connections. Such as informants, transportation, and trade routes.
"Ian, step off. Now."
"This is a life or death situation, so get your head out of your ass!"
My custom revolver stared at the face of a pale man. All hammers cocked and ready.
"I am in charge. Not you."
"I'm more-"
I wanted to pull the trigger, but he said to dull not extinguish.
"I don't care! Give me a reason to pull the damn trigger, and I won't hesitate!"
"Not. Another. Word."
Ian was a tactitian, and I respect that... However he is a poor leader, and lacks charisma.
He knew that he couldn't go against steven or I. With slumped shoulders and a loud sigh, he left for another room to eaves drop.
"Sorry, Dan. New recruit wants to be the boss."
"It better not happen again, Adrian. Do you know how much danger I put myself by being associated with your group?"
He was right, since Steve was a wanted man. Riot, a gang/military deserter, and I.... wanted as a tool even since before this hellish nightmare.
My name is Adrian Gottright, son of Norman Gottright. If you know who he is, you know my net worth. I left Asterson-Gottright to become a simple man, then all this bullshit came...
"We'll make it up to you, somehow. Please-"
"It's all right. However, you have approximately sixty men headed your way."
"Wait, what?!"
"Relax, you have an hour. It's also the last of them, finish them off and I'LL be thankful to you."
"What'd they do to you?"
"Those Black Deathsquad bastards raid my trading routes and steal my cars."
"We'll try... Do you know of Steven and Riot?"
"Riot should be there in twenty, I don't know about Steve."
Not sure how we'll survive this time, but I'm hoping that Riot's got something up her sleeve. Right now, I must focus on the task at hand...
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