'Til Death, Part 3: Struggles of Love
By Horseinabathtub
- 717 reads
Haley couldn’t believe what she was seeing. In a utopia where anything was possible it seemed to her that the impossible had just unfolded itself right before her eyes. She couldn’t help herself, she had to be sure that it was Sam behind that door. She knocked. Her heart was beating out of her chest. So many thoughts were racing through her head. The door swung open and standing there was a dazed and confused Sam.
In an instant she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his body. She was crying.
“Sam, you’re here. It’s you. I’ve missed you so much.” Her voice was muffled by his chest.
Sam pushed her forward slightly away from him so he could get an actual look at who was softly attacking him. His eye’s widened when he realized.
She nodded intently and shoved her face right back into his chest. The tears had stopped at this point but she just wanted to continue enjoying Sam’s embrace.
“Haley what…? You died. You’ve been dead for twenty years.”
“Yeah well now you’ve joined the club.” She laughed pathetically. It was one of her few flaws but Haley always let out the worst jokes during emotional situations. “Basically you’re dead. We’re dead. But now we have heaven. And believe me it is heaven.”
“But I still don’t…
“C’mon lets go inside and I will tell you everything and we can catch up.”
Haley took Sam by the arm and brought him back inside. His hallway was empty with just light blue walls. It was so typically Sam but it made her heart shiver with pleasure. But there was something unusual about Sam’s hallway. The multi-door on the other end was still open askew. Normally when Haley left through it, it would close automatically so why did his stay open. She pulled it open the rest of the way.
“So Sam who was at the door was it Jesus? Was it right…? Ohh, hello.”
There was another woman standing there. She was tall, blonde and a little bit chubbier than Haley but she wore it well. Who was she?
“Sam, honey who is this?” Sam remained silent, he couldn’t bring himself to find the right words for the situation.
“Who am I? Who are you?”
The woman was taken back by the mild hostility in Haley’s voice.
“Well… I’m Laura. I’m Sam’s wife.”
Haley was in shock. Sam’s wife? She looked as if she was about ten years older than her. Haley turned back to Sam for some form of explanation. But it was then she noticed the changes in Sam. He looked as if he had aged a few years. Just slight hints of crow’s feet and grey hair starting to push their way through. And they most important detail of all was the ring. It was not the one that Haley had put on his finger. It all started to click into place for her. Sam said she had been dead for twenty years. She released his arm and quickly strode away, out of the house.
Haley sat on her luxurious bed, chin resting on her knees. She had never felt more alone. In times of sadness and desperation she had become so accustomed to running to Sam in need of a hug and some comforting words but she never would have imagined that she would be running away from him when she needed these things. But she hated being alone. There was one person she could now for help, the only friend she had from day one of being in heaven. Brandon.
She rushed out her door and hopped the shrubbery that divided their gardens. She proceeded to slam on Brandon’s door and he answered quickly. No words were exchanged initially. He could tell by the desperate look on her face that she needed someone.
“Come in.”
Haley proceeded to try and explain the situation to Brandon. He took a minute to think about what was happening before replying.
“I guess it’s kind of my fault, I should have told you this before. From what I know about your Christian marriages is that a couple is together until death does you part. Then I would imagine it’s free game for the man thereafter. And as for why they are together, I’ve actually heard stories about when couples die together that death isn’t properly doing them part so they can remain together. And I also believe it has something to do with predestined love and whatnot.”
Haley was surprised how Brandon really adapted quickly to what was happening. He seemed to understand the situation quite well. Regardless Haley still apologised for getting Brandon mixed up in the situation.
“It’s okay, I know how you feel. And I bet you knew deep down that something like this was going to happen.”
He was right but she didn’t want to admit it even if she was just realising it now.
“There’s only one thing that you can do now.”
Haley stared at Brandon. He nodded and within seconds she was out the door.
She knocked on Sam and Laura’s door. She now saw that she had been so distracted by seeing Sam’s name the first time round she didn’t even notice Laura’s right beneath his. She began growing weary of whether she should really have this confrontation. She turned to contemplate leaving but saw that Brandon had followed her for support, she couldn’t leave now. Laura answered the door and Haley bit her tongue forcing herself not to scream that she had stolen her husband.
“Hello Laura.”
Hearing Laura say her name was unsettling. It meant that Sam told her about his life before the second marriage. Who knew how much she had learned about Haley in the last hour.
“Look Laura, it’s obvious that we both love Sam but I only got to be with him for a short time and it was before he met you so I would really appreciate if you would let me pick up my marriage from where it left off.” It wasn’t the nicest sounding argument but Haley meant every word. She missed Sam and would’ve loved to have another shot at a life, or afterlife, with him.
“I’m sorry for what happened to you but he’s my husband. We were married for sixteen years. We have children, a home a standing a community and a life that we built together and there’s no way I’m going to let anyone try and tear that apart from me.”
Sixteen years. Haley hadn’t even been married for sixteen months. She hadn’t even known Sam for sixteen years. She started to realise how much life must have changed for Sam since she died. She was gone for twenty years, of course he had gotten over her and started a new life. She started to feel selfish about how she was treating the situation. How could she resent this woman for making the same choice as she did? She sighed.
“Stay with him.”
“Stay with Sam. It’s obvious how much you love him and I know Sam, he would chose a woman unless he knew it was truly for his better.” Both women were beginning to tear up. Laura leaned in and hugged Haley, whispering thanks into her ear.
“But what about you?”
She turned around and looked at Brandon who was laughing at one of the garden gnomes.
“I think I’ll be fine.”
She left without even saying goodbye to Sam. It would be quicker and it wouldn’t allow for her emotions to make any rash decisions. She and Brandon made their way back toward their homes. On the way she gripped his arm as she walked. He didn’t protest and it gave her a warm, positive feeling inside. When they arrived at Brandon’s garden they decided to part ways for the time being. As they said their goodbyes, Haley made the first audacious move and went for a kiss. But he swerved his head to the side.
“Ohh no, aarrgghh, I’m so stupid…”
“Haley it’s…”
“No I’m sorry I shouldn’t have, but I thought that we…”
“Haley, I’m sorry but no. And it’s not you it’s just… Remember when I told you that I knew how you felt? Seeing the person you love with someone else. Her name is Lucile. She be here anytime now. I don’t want to miss it.”
Brandon backed away from Haley, embarrassed. She remained at the top of his garden even when he had gone inside his door. He had warned her that perfection wasn’t achievable. But this wasn’t the heaven that she was expecting.
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