The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Epilogue & Author's Note

By VioletTobacco
- 343 reads
“Miss Rothschild?” I looked up from my meal to a nurse peaking in, “Miss Rothschild, do you mind sharing a room? We’re a little short on space.”
I smiled, “It’s not a problem at all.”
Going back to my turkey sandwich, I savored every piece with an expression that might give some reason to call me delusional. A week of not eating can do that to you though, it was hospital food from a package but it made no difference to my thankful taste buds.
The nurse had rolled in the other patient lying on a hospital bed. He pulled a pasty blue curtain halfway to divide the room, masking my neighbor from sight. I continued eating happily.
I was watching an episode of one of my old favorite 90’s shows as I ate. The nurse tended to my neighboring patient but left within a few minutes. I hoped that whomever was in the room with me enjoyed this show as much as I did. A laugh produced on the other side of the curtain after a joke from the quirky character, the laughter was young.
It was a familiar laugh though, one that carried sincerity.
“Do you mind turning it up?” asked the boy.
“Sure,” I picked up the remote, the green symbol escalated as I made it a couple points louder.
“Thank you,” said the boy quietly.
We sat for a few more hours without a word. The marathon on television continued on as I drifted to sleep. I saw Ethel and Julius within the puddle of my dreams. It concocted me with mixed emotions. I wanted to call them up and tell them I was alright. That they did right, they saved me.
The sound of flushing brought me out of my slumber. The sterling silver handle rotated. I watched, still curious as to whom this person might be.
A hand rested on the knob for balance, he limped from the door, holding his stomach and struggling to stand upright. His head leaned forward and a reassuring smile peaked, “Sorry, didn’t meant to wake you.”
I gave a gasp that startled him.
He asked urgently, “What’s wrong?”
I coughed, “Nothing, nothing.” I picked up the cup next to my bed, “I just choked on my water a little.”
But I couldn’t suppress my smile. He gave a small chuckle to shrug it off. Slowly, with a limping stagger, he made it back to his bed. The whole time I watched him with a smile that began to alarm him.
“Are you okay?” he asked as he, himself, smiled.
I wiped the smirk from my face, “Yah, yah, you just remind of someone I once knew.”
He sat at the edge of his bed, squinting his eyes, “Yah know, you remind me of someone too.”
I shrugged, “My name’s Edith.”
His eyes reflected back everything I needed, “My name is Jonah."
*****AUTHOR'S NOTE*****
You are known for something, no matter how small, and it will effect generation after generation. When you’ve done wrong, be humble, and face it. You are important. Just be a kind person and let others know that too. Don’t waste your time finding something to make you happy, make something that you can’t help but to find happiness in. And as I understand it to be, fate is nothing more than intertwined free will.
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?”
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