The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper


The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 1.1: Purgatory

Chapter 1. Part 1. “State your name.” I couldn’t find where this voice was coming from. The sound of a gunshot was ringing in my ears. The ground...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 1.2: Purgatory

Chapter 1. Part 2. In my blank stare, I hadn’t notice Ardith’s absence till one of the frowning men was standing in front of me. Holding out a large...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 2: Bag of Stones

The fog pushed aside, making the approaching mass clear to see. Four horses pulled a black carriage; one white, one pale, one black, one red. A tall...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 3.1: Alive Together. Dead Alone.

“Hi! I’ll be your student aide.” I snapped out of my petrified trance and found myself in front of a well kept, bright eyed boy. He continued, “Right...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 3.2: Alive Together. Dead Alone.

I had no time to continue debating this in my head when Jonah popped out of a classroom. “Oh, good, you’ve met Aaron. We’re already becoming a...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 4.1: Sin...cerity

Classes were the same as usual, I didn’t see the point in paying attention or doing well for a future I didn’t have. The teacher, Mrs. Lane, handed...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 4.2: Sin...cerity

We got to the base of the tree house. A latter dropped and we climbed the thirty-foot rope to a well-furnished apartment of wood. Camilla was right,...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 5: Key & Signature

I snuck out of the party through the bathroom window, after seeing my reflection I felt my tricks for staying stable were running thin. I stepped...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 6.1: Sacrifices

Saturday through till Sunday morning I roamed between the House of Oblivion and the woods, understanding that these are all I have left. Jumping in...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 6.2: Sacrifices

Paramedics directed us to the emergency car. They asked us if we were injured, all in all, I was fine. But Jonah’s cheek was swelling. They insisted...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 7: Count Your Blessings

Jonah’s mother dropped us off at his car. Him and I didn’t even look to the house as we loaded in and left for Aaron’s house. For most of the drive...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 8: Signs

“Wait up!” The scuffing of sneakers catching up to me had me turn around to find Jonah jogging. Jonah tripped a little, laughing in recovery. I...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 9: Kiss of Death

I isolated myself from everyone more so the entire day at school. I was too spooked to even attempt interacting with the living. Scared to death of...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 10: Murder Reaper

“A tremor is coming.” I awoke laying flat on my back, confused as to where the words of a man came from. Leaves were brushing passed me and a few got...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 11: The Spirit of Fire

The air was thick with layers of white clouds and fog. It became difficult to navigate and even more difficult to find Lilli. Her wings matched the...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 12: Ethel & Julius

It had been a few, silent minutes before the vulture recovered and was back on its feet. Lilli had relaxed and stretched her wings out, “It’s fine,...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 13: Dead Languages

I gave a small squeal that was masked by the sound of the fridge door shutting. “I’ll get that!” I assured Ethel as I grabbed the rag on the counter...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 14: Relapse

In the nick of time, Ethel and Julius walked in singing and laughing. Julius said between large breaths, “You should have been there, Noa, some kids...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 15: Senoi Gelof

I spent the rest of the night lying on the roof of Ethel and Julius’s home. How terrible of me, I don’t even know their last name. As guilt and...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 16: Ebenezer

Instinct took control and I ran for cover in the shade of a large oak tree. Sinking into the depth of the shadow it cast. I took a moment to collect...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 17: Nests

“Where were you all morning?” I turned around, Aaron looked like he hadn’t slept. “Aaron, I’m fine if that’s what you’re asking.” I kept walking...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 18: Quoth the Raven, 'Nevermore'

After returning to the mortal world, Samel took Lilli to prep for her trial and Senson went on his own way. Senoi seemed to linger by my side as we...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 19.1: Constants and Changes

I came to yet another realization of how the rest of my time as the reaper would go… repetition. Repetition is what I’m sure would slowly kill me in...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 19.2: Constants and Changes

My feathered cloak swept against the station tile, my shoes scuffled their way to the talking shadows. Stepping with my left foot, I slid peacefully...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 20.1: To Die is an Awfully Big Adventure

Tracking mud into the house from my miscalculated landing in the marsh of the pond, I only got to take two steps before Ethel scolded me, “Noa,...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 20.2: To Die is an Awfully Big Adventure

“None of your concern,” answered Samel as he took it from my grasp, “Your job is done. Now let’s be on our way. Senoi, Senson, let’s go.” “Wait…”...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 21.1: Jessup

My throat knotted, I couldn’t make but a whimper, “That’s impossible.” Camilla looked at me, her face contorted with sadness and frustration. I...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 21.2: Jessup

He took my forearm and guided me towards where the light was its most dull. Reentering the whispering sand I shifted through and, like water, my body...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 22: Ethel

A hatred was growing inside of me. It was a beast that wore a crooked crown and ruled my every thought. It didn’t seem to have a direction… but it...


I had to do some rearranging of events and needed to edit in something, that way it makes sense later in the story! Because the text limit won't...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 23.1: Leave it all Behind

“Excuse me?” She looked at me angry and disgusted. I blurted without thinking, “Mom! Mom, it’s me your daughter! It’s me, Edith!” Her eyes watered, “...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 23.2: Leave it all Behind

Phoebe knocked on the wooden column, “Noa?” “Hey, Phoebe.” Phoebe looked exhausted, “I thought you might like to know Jonah needs your help.” “I can’...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 24: Renegade

“I know you’re not asleep.” Phoebe nudged me with her foot, “Get up, you’re a mess.” She kept poking me with her sneaker, “You’ve got mud all over...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 25.1: Choices

It was only midday, but the sky’s threatening clouds destroyed all the light. Hell was in the sky trying to take root. Anxiety still shooting through...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 25.2: Choices

The student body suddenly became conscious, releasing me immediately, it wasn’t until the screams of the students who were on fire did I realize the...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 26: Struck

Rushing, I sprinted towards the darkest piece of earth. All I could think was, Not them. Not them. Not after I had tried to keep them safe. Feet...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 27: Heaven Help Me

“Such pretty eyes,” complimented my nurse as she shined a flashlight back and forth over them. It was obvious that I was unharmed and my nurse...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 28: Forgive Me

Eight people died in the school fire, two teachers, six students. Kurt and Jessie being among the number. Eight stolen souls. Whether I brought this...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 29: To put an end

In result of my deafness, I didn’t notice the officer had entered until he grabbed my arm. I looked at the aggressive cop, his mouth moving quickly...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 30: Worth

Tearing at every muscle in me to go faster, my anxiety and adrenaline were at their maximum, shooting in me an aching pain that I might be too late...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 31: The Dead End

Hell was neither flames nor monsters. It was complete darkness. Not like the sanctuary where I found myself at my death. The darkness there was...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 32: Seven Deadly Spirits

Bubbles blurred my vision as I rose to the top of a black-lit ocean. The water tasted sweet and tickled my eyes and ears. After a few minutes, I...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Chapter 33: Love and Blood

Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. I was lying down. Facing up towards a white light. My eyes squinted and burned from staring into the light for so long, my...

The Untold Story of a Grim Reaper: Epilogue & Author's Note

Epilogue “Miss Rothschild?” I looked up from my meal to a nurse peaking in, “Miss Rothschild, do you mind sharing a room? We’re a little short on...