If you love someone

By Deliberately Evolving
Wed, 23 Sep 2015
- 1808 reads
If you were a bear,
I'd keep you in majestic grounds
where you'd be free to roam and climb
great trees and howl contented
to the breeze; the sun warm
on your back.
You'd feed out of my hand
and we would have an understanding
not to cross each others lines,
and you could scare away the bogie men,
like tax collectors and cold callers
pestering to sell me things
I didn't want or need.
Or you could be a dog,
and we would walk the world
not wanting much at all, content
with food and quiet company
for sixteen years, or more, and then
you'd fall asleep upon a blanket
on the floor, where I would kneel
and weep, remembering all
the things we'd done together
on our human - canine journey,
sad until perhaps you came back
as a cat who'd curl upon my knee,
or tiger lazing in my garden,
a mouse to hide
in pockets, lizard in the sun between
the shadows, till at the end when
in whatever form you took,
I'd thank you for your friendship.
And just before I left the world,
perhaps I'd see you turn into a bird
set free to fly away
and live without an ending. Happy.
But you are a man, and still
I don't feel brave enough
to let you go.
I'd keep you in majestic grounds
where you'd be free to roam and climb
great trees and howl contented
to the breeze; the sun warm
on your back.
You'd feed out of my hand
and we would have an understanding
not to cross each others lines,
and you could scare away the bogie men,
like tax collectors and cold callers
pestering to sell me things
I didn't want or need.
Or you could be a dog,
and we would walk the world
not wanting much at all, content
with food and quiet company
for sixteen years, or more, and then
you'd fall asleep upon a blanket
on the floor, where I would kneel
and weep, remembering all
the things we'd done together
on our human - canine journey,
sad until perhaps you came back
as a cat who'd curl upon my knee,
or tiger lazing in my garden,
a mouse to hide
in pockets, lizard in the sun between
the shadows, till at the end when
in whatever form you took,
I'd thank you for your friendship.
And just before I left the world,
perhaps I'd see you turn into a bird
set free to fly away
and live without an ending. Happy.
But you are a man, and still
I don't feel brave enough
to let you go.
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1 User voted this as great feedback
This is lovely. Warm and
This is lovely. Warm and thoughtful, full of liberating love, animals unleashed, a sense of the happy go lucky threads through it. I agree with Bear. Your ending would be more resonant without that last apology. But it's just a thought on a minor thing in a heartwarming piece. Keep hIm prisoner.
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super lovely. i liked the
Permalink Submitted by Stephen Thom on
super lovely. i liked the clear, pretty, honest parts slipped in amongst the projection... 'and we would have an understanding/not to cross each others lines'/'and live without an ending'/'I'd thank you for your friendship.' lovely work, comes together really well :-)
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