Scarecrow Poem response to comment ...
By Shannan
- 793 reads
To work with your comment: No, absolutely not. The “farmer” never was and never will be My Father in Heaven. Ever. This poem was sitting with me for a few days before I finally just blurted it out. It really is one of my biggest faults as an online writer, I simply blurt and post as I seldom have time to edit or come back to stuff I have posted. Maybe, one day, God-Willing, I’ll be able to rework everything I’ve blurted into something worth those ‘cherries’, but I don’t see an opportunity like that opening up for a while. As I recall from this midnight blurt, it was not “God” I was referring to, as I see God as part of me. He isn’t separable and thus cannot leave me, it is not possible. Thus I can’t even comprehend God ‘leaving’, because He can’t. Literally. What I think my subconscious was working through was the “farmer” representing people I can trust, people who offer love, those who are around for me on planet earth as I have gone through my own personal hell. Although I have God within me, others do not, and even if they do, they often reject Him for their own personal fancies, egos, desires to ‘be in control’/ create their own ‘destiny’, ‘make it happen’, regardless of the cost upon their Souls and morals and guilt levels. I reckon God is constantly trying to get those who don’t choose Him to ‘see the light’, so to type, but they don’t. Instead they desert those they should be accountable and responsible to and/or for. They don’t choose God and others suffer for it… the analogy – they don’t choose their ‘farm’ or their ‘job’, they choose to leave and ignore it instead.
It’s like God would love x,y,z to happen for me, but he needs a,b,c…w to be in place first before I can get x,y,z … even if I have done my a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I,j,k … I still need, l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v and w in place before I can get the x,y,z. Do you get my meaning? God is telling those who are supposed to step up – HOW TO and WHAT TO DO, but they are ignoring Him and thinking that it’s no big deal, when actually it is a HUGE big deal because all the people involved in each step are not experiencing what they ought to be. God taps their consciences, tells them, shows them, but they are not interested – they are ‘Farmers’ who, of their own free will, have decided they want to be ‘Bankers’ and have left all their duties behind, such as: tending to the scarecrow, the fields, the drainage, the crops and all the rest…
Those not responding to God’s call are not interested in admitting guilt, or saying sorry, or engaging in relationship, because they are full of themselves, literally, and there is no room for truth, except that which they have created in their own minds. There is arrogance, pride, self-importance and this stupid desire to ‘be right’… so they’ll keep on pushing and pushing and pushing to be “that Banker”, just to prove they ‘were right’ and they are not “Farmers” (so to type with regards to this analogy).
So God is definitely there, but the people selected to take care of the scarecrow (me?), or the land, or people or objects or work entrusted to them by God, are just not interested in doing what they are called to do, maybe because they ‘don’t like it’ or they feel it ‘beneath them’ or it is ‘too difficult’ or whatever the reason for fulfilling their personal agenda instead of God’s, and thus walking away from their ‘farms’.
God is there and the ‘farmers’ have been assigned to do His work and be His Hands on earth, but they’d prefer not to – and the ramifications mean God has to keep trying to rework things so that those left behind, who are not looked after, can somehow get what they needed to by some other way… His chosen hands are not there to do the job. They have left and walked away from their responsibilities, their spiritual and physical purposes in pursuit of their own earthly ‘happiness’ and eternal loss, and in so doing, are leaving others in positions they should never have been put into…
Hope that sheds some light… Although these words arrive in my mind and make sense, I seldom have faith that anyone else is actually going to get ‘the whatever’ it is that I’m trying to write about ;-) Ha ha ha, and sometimes I don’t even ‘get it’ myself… time will tell ;-)
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HI, Shannan, I have seen this
HI, Shannan, I have seen this now, but probably need to come back and read it a bit more carefully.
I think it's best to try not to get to hung up on others' failings and that God can't therefore use them to help you, pray for them for their own needs, and look to God to help you in the way you need, and try to make some strong Christian friends and get to Bible exposition.
Be back, hopefully, and pray you'll know fellowship of the Holy Spirit in you and helping perseverance through this valley. love, Rhiannon
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Hi again, Shannan, just to
Hi again, Shannan, just to say that I wasn't implying all 'Christian' friends are strrong – you seem to be implying frustration with many friends who don't seem to have right motives to help you, and are therefore either not professing Christians or are not strong in the Bible and the God they profess to follow, and able to act to you as true brothers/sisters in the faith, in the Lord, and together search for help in better understanding the Word. Such would be 'strong Christian friends'. Of course, some strong Christians relate and understand and empathise better with some and not so well with others. Rhiannon
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