Omar's Diary for Sunday 6th March 2016 - PLS leaves

By Alan Russell
- 1171 reads
Despite the late night last night and the fact that today is Sunday there was no lie in in this household this morning. The routine has changed beyond all recognition since Prospective Lady Servant (PLS) arrived on Friday night.
I think her cultural assimilation that started yesterday continued today and the main Servants felt it best to discuss her role in the household off site. Oh well, at least I could kick back and take up my new position of dominance in Man Servants place on the sofa.
They were gone for several hours and when they returned I heard them say they had been to the stables, had a late breakfast at the Beachcomber Café at Barton on Sea, taken a walk along the shore and as I was well aware, returned home.
Part of the conversation I heard between the Servants was that Man Servant had a bit of a rough time at the café. Apparently he had ordered everyone’s breakfast including his own. When it was served his was missing. Lady Servant and PLS turned on him ‘You forgot to order your own!’ In his defence he did say as soon as the subject was raised in the confines of home that he had ordered his meal and that the café servant forgot to pass it on to the kitchen. Lady Servant and PLS were not that convinced. I do feel a bit sorry for Man Servant what with the mix up at the Cathedral last night and at the café this morning but at least he now knows how I feel when my food orders go wrong.
Oh dear, I appear to be turning on him ever so slightly as well. He is not having a good weekend.
After the discussions about the morning had finished there was a great rush of activity. PLS went up to her room and packed her things. I guess the induction and cultural assimilation had not gone as well as planned and she was heading home. What a shame as today I felt that she would have fitted into the household quite well and if she was staying tonight I would have made the effort to allow her to make friends with me. Alas, it is too late and now I realise I should have not been so aloof with her on Friday night. I do hope this was not the only reason PLS is going.
Unfortunately even before PLS had left the country news of her departure had been leaked to the media, Facebook in particular. This is most unfortunate as in the household we like to keep as much behind closed doors as possible and on Monday there will be an internal enquiry to establish where the leak had originated.
I think Lady Servant realised she had been quite hard on Man Servant and so while they were at Southampton Airport she bought him a copy of the International New York Times. He always enjoys this paper and I must admit that I enjoy perusing its pages as well. He was able to sit back in his position on the sofa, which I sympathetically relinquished for him, with a small glass of scotch and read the paper. Life in the Omar Household looks like it is returning to normal whatever that is apart from the colour scheme in my room but I guess I will get used to that over time.
I don’t think I will bother with the internal enquiry tomorrow.
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I wonder why she went?
I wonder why she went?
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<on tenterhooks>
<on tenterhooks>
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