Warrior at Warpspeed- Part 6
By well-wisher
Sun, 10 Apr 2016
- 481 reads
As Zorgia sat upon her floating throne, the large doors of her throne room slid open with an electric throb and two of the Dictatrix's robot palace guards entered, prodding a prisoner forwards with electrical spikestaffs.
"You gen-gineered the Dragosaur, didn't you Dr Zol?", said Zorgia as the robot guards forced the Prisoner to kneel.
"Yes", said the old scientist, nodding but keeping his eyes firmly fixed upon the floor, "Your highness"
"Your creature failed to do the job that was required of it", said Vorgia, "That is unacceptable but since I cannot punish the beast I have to punish those who created it because I will not tolerate faliure".
Zorgia got up from her throne and walked slowly towards the kneeling man, slipping a black glove off of her left hand as she did so and revealing a metallic robot hand beneath.
"But I do not want to waste the knowledge in so brilliant a mind", said Zorgia, placing the metal hand gently upon the scienists head, "And so I will have it".
At first the scientist felt nothing but cold steel upon his forehead but then the robot hand started to glow and then he felt something else, something penetrating his skull, like a...what was that?... an electrical crackling in the front of his brain that grew stronger until it felt...oh god... until it burned like hot metal pincers tearing into his mind and taking everything he knew.
Dr Zol screamed, smoke rising from his ears and nostrils but then he slumped onto the floor, unconcious.
"Take him away and atomize him", said the Dictatrix, slipping the black glove back onto her left hand, "And let it be a lesson to other scientists of what will happen if they fail".
Obeying her, she saw the robot guards drag the scientists body across the floor and out through the automatically opening doors of the throne room.
But then she returned to the side of her cauldron.
"Show me the boy and the old man", she said to the cauldron, "Where are they now?".
"I cannot show you them, mistress", said the Cauldron, "I cannot detect them on any camera or sensor in your spy-net. Its as if they've disappeared".
"Have you checked every one?", asked Zorgia, confounded.
"Yes; twice. I have no visual; no audio; no thermal readings. Nothing", said the Cauldron, "Its as if they've vanished out of existence".
Thumping the edge of the cauldron, Zorgia shrieked with anger.
"What is this place?", asked Raider as Zofos led him up what appeared to be a long underground corridoor that lit up as they moved along it.
"A Druon hole; an old hiding place that Druons of ancient made to escape persecution during the Inquisition. Only we Druons know about them", said Zophos, "Zorgia cannot spy upon us here".
"But where are we?", asked Raider, "The last thing I remember was us entering a lake but I'm not wet at all. Are we beneath the surface of the lake?".
"Not quite. We're inside the surface of the lake", said Zophos, matter of fact-ly.
"Inside the surface?", said Raider.
"Well, its not really the surface of a lake", said Zophos, "Its 4 dimensional space".
"Inside the surface?", asked Raider again, confused.
"Yes", replied Zophos, "But I haven't got time to go into that. We have to see the Druon council. If they approve of you then you will be our champion and have access to all our secrets".
But then, up ahead, Raider saw a pair of double doors which, as they approached them, opened up automatically revealing a brightly lit octagonal meeting room filled with elderly men who Raider presumed must be the Druon council Zofos had spoke of.
"The council of Druons will come to order", said a speaker to Raiders left as they entered the room; a man in a tall conical hat beating a gavel, "Druon Zofos has arrived and will present his case".
"Fellow Druons", said Zofos turning round to adress everyone in the room, "I believe that I have found the one that the legends say is destined to come. A Warp Warrior".
"How do we know he is a Warp Warrior?", asked one of the council members, a man dressed in jet black robes, in a sceptical, almost scoffing tone, "What proof do you have?".
"I have seen him Warp. He killed one of Zorgia's spies and stopped a beam of starfire with only his mind. He even slew a Dragosaur", said Zofos.
"Hearsay", said the man in black, "What other proof do you have besides these wild stories?".
Zofos reached into his robes and took out an omni-tool that, when placed near Raider, instantly lit up with a green glow, "The omni-tool responds to him. You see? It knows its master".
"Huh!", replied the council member, "Machines can be made to tell falsehoods".
Zofos threw the omni-tool up to the man in black and the man caught it in a black gloved hand.
"Examine it, brother Druon", he said, "You will see it glows honestly".
Just then however, the omni-tool changed colour from green to red and Raider heard the whole chamber go into an uproar.
"The tool glows red", said one of the other Druons, "That councilman is one of Zorgias spies".
The speaker banged his gavel,
"But every Druon was scanned for spy-devices before they entered the Druon hole", he objected.
"Nonetheless he must be an enemy for the tool to glow red", said another councilman.
But then, standing up, the man in black started to change; his face melting into the face of a strange alien creature with blue scaled, skin and three horns, and turning the omnitool, with a thought, into a starpistol he pointed and fired it at Raider.
"In the name of Zorgia, die", the creature screamed, spitting out fire with its words.
But then, to their astonishment, all within the chamber saw Raider slow down the beam of starfire, its glowing red line of light hung in the air for a moment, before, Raider moving out of its path, the beam harmlessly singed a hole in the wooden wall behind him.
Druons converged upon the spy, seizing the omni-tool from his hand and then,smiling broadly, Zofos said, "There is your evidence, gentlemen. You all saw the boy stop the starfire. What do you say? Is he our champion?".
"Aye", said one of the council members and then aye's were heard all around the room.
The speaker banged his gavel.
"Then it is decided", he said, "The boy shall be our champion and be given all out secrets".
But then, the Speaker taking off his pointed hat, he and Zofos led Raider into another room, this one more like a kind of temple, in the centre of which Raider saw a sort of altar and, upon it, some strange, golden object shaped like a figure of infinity.
"What is that?", asked Raider.
"That is how you will travel to the palace of Zorgia", said the Speaker.
"That?", asked Raider, incredulous, "But its not a spaceship".
"Not a Spaceship, Raider, but a Space machine", said Zofos.
"Space machine?", asked Raider, "What is that?".
"Well you know that a Time machine travels through Time without travelling through space, don't you?", asked Zofos.
"Ofcourse", said Raider.
"Well a Space Machine travels through Space without travelling through time", said Zofos.
"Its sub-dimensional", added the speaker, "That means it travels through the third dimension, not the fourth".
"When the machine is activated it can be both here and a trillion light years away at the same time", said Zofos.
"I don't believe it", said Raider.
"You will tomorrow when you see it working", said Zofos.
Just then, however, one of the Druon councilmen that Raider had seen earlier rushed into the room.
"The spy sent by Zorgia has escaped", he said.
"How?", asked the Speaker.
"He must have shifted his shape again. Got out disguised as one of the other council members", said the man.
"This changes everything", said the Speaker, "If he tells Zorgia the location of our Druon hole it could seriously delay any chance we have of attacking her palace. No, Zofos and the boy will have to go now or we may never get another opportunity".
"Do you think, I'm ready?", Raider asked Zofos.
"Sometimes fate tells us when we are ready", said Zofos taking the Space machine down from its plinth, "I believe this is one of those times".
Then, gripping hold of one end of the Space machine he told Raider to take hold of the other.
"Is this really going to work?", asked Raider.
"Ofcourse", said Zofos, "The ancient Druons were the greatest Scientists in the Galaxy".
But then, suddenly, all of Raiders doubts about the machine faded because then he realized that they were no longer standing in the secret chambers of the Druons but in the throne room of Zorgia the dictatrix, infact, standing right infront of her.
"Guards", she shouted, angrilly, seeing them appear, "Obliterate those intruders!".
"You gen-gineered the Dragosaur, didn't you Dr Zol?", said Zorgia as the robot guards forced the Prisoner to kneel.
"Yes", said the old scientist, nodding but keeping his eyes firmly fixed upon the floor, "Your highness"
"Your creature failed to do the job that was required of it", said Vorgia, "That is unacceptable but since I cannot punish the beast I have to punish those who created it because I will not tolerate faliure".
Zorgia got up from her throne and walked slowly towards the kneeling man, slipping a black glove off of her left hand as she did so and revealing a metallic robot hand beneath.
"But I do not want to waste the knowledge in so brilliant a mind", said Zorgia, placing the metal hand gently upon the scienists head, "And so I will have it".
At first the scientist felt nothing but cold steel upon his forehead but then the robot hand started to glow and then he felt something else, something penetrating his skull, like a...what was that?... an electrical crackling in the front of his brain that grew stronger until it felt...oh god... until it burned like hot metal pincers tearing into his mind and taking everything he knew.
Dr Zol screamed, smoke rising from his ears and nostrils but then he slumped onto the floor, unconcious.
"Take him away and atomize him", said the Dictatrix, slipping the black glove back onto her left hand, "And let it be a lesson to other scientists of what will happen if they fail".
Obeying her, she saw the robot guards drag the scientists body across the floor and out through the automatically opening doors of the throne room.
But then she returned to the side of her cauldron.
"Show me the boy and the old man", she said to the cauldron, "Where are they now?".
"I cannot show you them, mistress", said the Cauldron, "I cannot detect them on any camera or sensor in your spy-net. Its as if they've disappeared".
"Have you checked every one?", asked Zorgia, confounded.
"Yes; twice. I have no visual; no audio; no thermal readings. Nothing", said the Cauldron, "Its as if they've vanished out of existence".
Thumping the edge of the cauldron, Zorgia shrieked with anger.
"What is this place?", asked Raider as Zofos led him up what appeared to be a long underground corridoor that lit up as they moved along it.
"A Druon hole; an old hiding place that Druons of ancient made to escape persecution during the Inquisition. Only we Druons know about them", said Zophos, "Zorgia cannot spy upon us here".
"But where are we?", asked Raider, "The last thing I remember was us entering a lake but I'm not wet at all. Are we beneath the surface of the lake?".
"Not quite. We're inside the surface of the lake", said Zophos, matter of fact-ly.
"Inside the surface?", said Raider.
"Well, its not really the surface of a lake", said Zophos, "Its 4 dimensional space".
"Inside the surface?", asked Raider again, confused.
"Yes", replied Zophos, "But I haven't got time to go into that. We have to see the Druon council. If they approve of you then you will be our champion and have access to all our secrets".
But then, up ahead, Raider saw a pair of double doors which, as they approached them, opened up automatically revealing a brightly lit octagonal meeting room filled with elderly men who Raider presumed must be the Druon council Zofos had spoke of.
"The council of Druons will come to order", said a speaker to Raiders left as they entered the room; a man in a tall conical hat beating a gavel, "Druon Zofos has arrived and will present his case".
"Fellow Druons", said Zofos turning round to adress everyone in the room, "I believe that I have found the one that the legends say is destined to come. A Warp Warrior".
"How do we know he is a Warp Warrior?", asked one of the council members, a man dressed in jet black robes, in a sceptical, almost scoffing tone, "What proof do you have?".
"I have seen him Warp. He killed one of Zorgia's spies and stopped a beam of starfire with only his mind. He even slew a Dragosaur", said Zofos.
"Hearsay", said the man in black, "What other proof do you have besides these wild stories?".
Zofos reached into his robes and took out an omni-tool that, when placed near Raider, instantly lit up with a green glow, "The omni-tool responds to him. You see? It knows its master".
"Huh!", replied the council member, "Machines can be made to tell falsehoods".
Zofos threw the omni-tool up to the man in black and the man caught it in a black gloved hand.
"Examine it, brother Druon", he said, "You will see it glows honestly".
Just then however, the omni-tool changed colour from green to red and Raider heard the whole chamber go into an uproar.
"The tool glows red", said one of the other Druons, "That councilman is one of Zorgias spies".
The speaker banged his gavel,
"But every Druon was scanned for spy-devices before they entered the Druon hole", he objected.
"Nonetheless he must be an enemy for the tool to glow red", said another councilman.
But then, standing up, the man in black started to change; his face melting into the face of a strange alien creature with blue scaled, skin and three horns, and turning the omnitool, with a thought, into a starpistol he pointed and fired it at Raider.
"In the name of Zorgia, die", the creature screamed, spitting out fire with its words.
But then, to their astonishment, all within the chamber saw Raider slow down the beam of starfire, its glowing red line of light hung in the air for a moment, before, Raider moving out of its path, the beam harmlessly singed a hole in the wooden wall behind him.
Druons converged upon the spy, seizing the omni-tool from his hand and then,smiling broadly, Zofos said, "There is your evidence, gentlemen. You all saw the boy stop the starfire. What do you say? Is he our champion?".
"Aye", said one of the council members and then aye's were heard all around the room.
The speaker banged his gavel.
"Then it is decided", he said, "The boy shall be our champion and be given all out secrets".
But then, the Speaker taking off his pointed hat, he and Zofos led Raider into another room, this one more like a kind of temple, in the centre of which Raider saw a sort of altar and, upon it, some strange, golden object shaped like a figure of infinity.
"What is that?", asked Raider.
"That is how you will travel to the palace of Zorgia", said the Speaker.
"That?", asked Raider, incredulous, "But its not a spaceship".
"Not a Spaceship, Raider, but a Space machine", said Zofos.
"Space machine?", asked Raider, "What is that?".
"Well you know that a Time machine travels through Time without travelling through space, don't you?", asked Zofos.
"Ofcourse", said Raider.
"Well a Space Machine travels through Space without travelling through time", said Zofos.
"Its sub-dimensional", added the speaker, "That means it travels through the third dimension, not the fourth".
"When the machine is activated it can be both here and a trillion light years away at the same time", said Zofos.
"I don't believe it", said Raider.
"You will tomorrow when you see it working", said Zofos.
Just then, however, one of the Druon councilmen that Raider had seen earlier rushed into the room.
"The spy sent by Zorgia has escaped", he said.
"How?", asked the Speaker.
"He must have shifted his shape again. Got out disguised as one of the other council members", said the man.
"This changes everything", said the Speaker, "If he tells Zorgia the location of our Druon hole it could seriously delay any chance we have of attacking her palace. No, Zofos and the boy will have to go now or we may never get another opportunity".
"Do you think, I'm ready?", Raider asked Zofos.
"Sometimes fate tells us when we are ready", said Zofos taking the Space machine down from its plinth, "I believe this is one of those times".
Then, gripping hold of one end of the Space machine he told Raider to take hold of the other.
"Is this really going to work?", asked Raider.
"Ofcourse", said Zofos, "The ancient Druons were the greatest Scientists in the Galaxy".
But then, suddenly, all of Raiders doubts about the machine faded because then he realized that they were no longer standing in the secret chambers of the Druons but in the throne room of Zorgia the dictatrix, infact, standing right infront of her.
"Guards", she shouted, angrilly, seeing them appear, "Obliterate those intruders!".
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