The BC Adventure 17

By jeand
- 1372 reads
July 15, 1922
Dear Mums.
I thought you might like to see this clipping from the paper.
GANGES , July 15 – A tennis
match took place between Salt
Spring, and Thetis on Saturday last, at
the club ground at the Settlement. In
the mixed doubles Salt Spring beat
Thetis8 to 4: In thegentlemen's
Thetis beat Salt Spring and in
the ladies' doubles Salt Spring
proved the winner.
There were a great many
spectators present to watch the
match, and a very enjoyable afternoon was
During the match tea was
provided by the club and served in the grounds.
The players from Thetis were
Mrs. Percy Roberts, Mr. Blount, Mr
and Mrs Cecil Lee, Mrs Johnson and
Mrs Tomlinson. Those from Salt Spring were Mrs. V Cass
Morris, Mr. Harold Price, Mrs. Richmond,
Mr. Cecil Springford, Miss
Doris Alkins, and Mr. Dermot Crofton.
I'm sure you will recognise some of those names from my letters, as well as Una's name of course.
We are invited to the Springfords in a few weeks, as a sort of house warming party, although they have been in their house now for some weeks. They are also hosting the tea for the tennis club meetings next time. Una has to do the one for August and she asked me to help her make the cakes.
Mark is very pleased because his searching for funding partners for his planned excursion to the Cariboo are starting to bear fruit. He wants to have a group of ten men, and form themselves into a company – called the Cedar Creek Mining Company. He's had very positive feedback from SWA Johnson who writes articles for the Geological Sources magazine. His most recent article said that there was starting to be gold fever again in that area, and he was sure there was gold for those prepared to do the hard work.
So far Mark has got Colin Muir, RN Campbell, EG Stevens. JE Graham and JA Maguire. He had a letter back from John Likely who was one of the original miners for the huge killing they did at the end of the century. He doesn't want to come in as an active miner, but said that he might invest, and he lives nearby and would come and visit them in any case.
Mark said it was a placer gold area. I didn't know what that meant, but he tells me that unlike hard rock mining, which extracts veins of precious minerals from solid rock, placer mining is the practice of separating heavily eroded minerals like gold from sand or gravel.
Basically it just means the mining of a stream bed deposits for minerals. This may be done by open-cast mining or by various surface excavating equipment. A placer claim grants to the discoverer the minerals that are contained in loose material such as sand or gravel and the right to mine on public land, which stream beds are.
He found this map of the region so we have a rough idea where he might be. They will be mining near Quesnel Lake.
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Researching this must have
Researching this must have given you so much knowledge into mining. You must feel proud to have collected the information of this family history.
Well done Jean.
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So the mining will be back on
So the mining will be back on the mainland? Sorry, I can't remember what Una's married name is. She isn't a Day is she? Rhiannon
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