Mad Smithers and the Government's All Under Control Plan : Episode 2
By hilary west
- 479 reads
Mad Smithers 2
(At Loose Lucy’s Parlour)
Smithers : It’s me, let me in.
Loose Lucy : What do you want? How dare you show your face after kidnapping Andrex and Darren.
Smithers : Don’t be ridiculous. I was only using the boys in my work.
Loose Lucy : Well you know our work and its limitations. It does not include gagging those boys. They are too young.
Smithers : Well of course – I got carried away. I love a bit of bondage.
Tiger Lily : You know I can oblige, Smithers.
Smithers : Oh, Tiger Lily I have come over all faint. One flash of your cleavage and fishnets and I’m open to anything.
Tiger Lily : Do you have the drug penis?
Smithers : Well of course, but I don’t think it is enough.
Tiger Lily : You may need Dr. Flopp.
Smithers : We’ll try anyway. Malcolm is here too. Is Babette available?
Tiger Lily : Of course. We are here for your pleasure. We want you to renege on any government plans.
Smithers : But, Tiger, that is impossible. I have my work to do.
Tiger Lily : Renege, Smithers, or we must decline our services.
Smithers : You hussy.
Loose Lucy : Don’t be too hasty, Tiger Lily. We need the business.
Smithers : At least you see sense, Lucy.
Loose lucy : Well of course, darlin’. You and Malcolm can pleasure the girls and boys any time.
Smithers : Oh, Lucy, you are so complicit. Who is that I can see in the massage room?
Loose Lucy : That, that is Luigi Pesto, our local Italian restaurateur.
Smithers : I fancy a bit of pasta.
Loose Lucy : His restaurant is wonderful. It’s only down the street, La Rigmarole.
Smithers : Oh I shall go.
(Luigi appears refreshed and ready for home)
Luigi Pesto : Good day to you.
Loose Lucy : Goodbye, Luigi. You were well pleasured I hope.
Luigi : Why of course – bellissimo, bellissimo.
Loose Lucy : This is a good customer of mine – Mad Smithers.
Luigi : Charmed I’m sure.
Smithers : I must visit your restaurant. I have a hanker for pasta.
Luigi : I have so many lovely pastas – all the pastas in the world.
Smithers : Good, me and Malcolm will come after our session at Lucy’s.
Luigi : I look forward to seeing you. Caio.
Loose Lucy : And now, Smithers, about the boys. Andrex and Darren are class acts, not to be misused.
Smithers : Oh, you are so right.
Loose Lucy : Tiger Lily has told me about the government’s all under control plan.
Smithers : No she is wrong. I got it wrong. I was rambling on. I think I must have been drunk.
Loose Lucy : If for one minute you think you can use us for dastardly experiments you are wrong, Smithers.
Smithers : Well of course, I know that.
Loose Lucy : Take the drug penis and pleasure Tiger Lily.
(Babette and Malcolm in another room at the parlour)
Babette : That was good, Malcolm.
Malcolm : I really enjoyed it, Babette.
Babette : I know you are good, Malcolm. You don’t want us as sedate dummies surely.
Malcolm : I have to obey Smithers, Babette.
Babette : But surely you have a mind of your own, Malcolm.
Malcolm : I always obey Smithers, Babette. He is such a good master.
Babette : But does he punish like I do, Malcolm?
Malcolm : No one can punish like you, Babette.
Babette : Let’s go at it one more time, Malcolm. I love your firm, hard body crushing my soft flesh. Obey me, Malcolm, forget Smithers, obey me.
Malcolm : Oh no, you are bad. I obey Smithers. He is my master.
Babette : What do you intend to do when everybody is under control?
Malcolm : I don’t know. We are leaving that to Mr. Hardcastle, the man from the ministry.
Babette : Maybe they want our souls, Malcolm.
Malcolm : Much more likely they want your money, Babette.
Babette : At least they will settle for something material.
Malcolm : Yes, the government is good, Babette. It has the best interests of the country at heart.
Babette : Will it want my body, Malcolm?
Malcolm : Everybody wants your body, Babette.
Babette : Good, as long as they don’t want to stop us. Elder McCronie wants us to join the bible reading class – hang up our fishnets.
Malcolm : Oh no, Babette – you mustn’t do that. As long as we have the drug penis all will be well.
(At Luigi Pesto’s restaurant)
Smithers : I’ve come for some pasta.
Luigi : You want to pester me for pasta.
Smithers : Yes I do. Malcolm, my trusty assistant, shall be along soon – he hangs on my every word.
(Smithers spots Mr. Hardcastle at a table)
Smithers : Oh Mr. Hardcastle, hello. How nice to see you.
HARDCASTLE : Shouldn’t you be working on the project, Smithers?
SMITHERS : I’ve just been to the sex parlour to see my subjects. They will take some winning over.
HARDCASTLE : You must seduce those boys.
SMITHERS : They are already seduced.
HARDCASTLE : Well then surely it will be easy.
SMITHERS : You don’t understand, those boys know everything. They are suspicious if I give them anything.
HARDCASTLE : You must complete the experimental brainwashing soon. The government wants to know about the efficacy of the all under control plan.
SMITHERS : I’ll do what I can but really it isn’t easy.
HARDCASTLE : Lead those boys astray, Smithers.
SMITHERS : As if I need to.
HARDCASTLE : Bribe them, you dummy. Do anything to get them where you want them.
(Luigi enters with a bowl of pasta)
LUIGI : Perfecta pasta to make your eyes water.
SMITHERS : Why thank you, Luigi. I can see Malcolm coming. Bring me another dish.
LUIGI : Why of course – anything you say, Smithers.
MALCOLM : Hello, Smithers. Babette wants to know too much, Smithers. She is all questions.
SMITHERS : Those damn girls, I have said too much, and those damn bugger boys are no better. What are brothels coming to? I must formulate a plan, Malcolm, so that one day the world is mine and all that is in it.
MALCOLM : Well I’d start with Babette’s knickers. Influence her, Smithers, and all the boys and girls at Loose Lucy’s. As far as I can see none of them are going to be complicit by half.
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