Kit Cat 7 - Kit Cat And The Wishing Well
By well-wisher
- 649 reads
One day Kit Cat was out picking blackberries and raspberries and all kinds of forest fruits to make a Summer fruit pudding when he passed by an old well upon which there was a brass plaque engraved with the words, "Ye Old Wishing Well".
"Wow a wishing well", he said, excitedly, "I wonder if it works".
And then, looking down into the wishing well, he took a brass penny from the pocket of his waitcoat and dropped it down the well so that, landing in the water below, it made a loud splosh.
And as the coin went splosh, Kit Cat made a wish.
Infact he wished for the thing he longed for most in all the world, to be a real boy, a human boy.
And the moment that he did, suddenly, Kit Cat felt something very strange begin to happen.
All over his body, Kit Cat felt a funny tingling just like electricity. He felt it from his tail to his tummy and from his head to his toes and, as he looked down at his grey stripy fur then, to his amazement he saw every strand of fur upon him begin to glow a bright golden colour then he felt his tail begin to shrink and, infront of his eyes, he saw his whiskers shrink too, then his pointy cat ears began to shrink and, before he could say miaow, his whole body had transformed into that of an ordinary human boy.
And when he looked down at his reflection in the well he saw a boys face staring back.
"I don't believe it!", he shouted happily, "It worked. I'm a boy".
And so excited was he at finally being human that he ran into the enchanted forest to tell all his friends.
First he ran to the tree of Mrs Hootowl and tried to climb up and tell her his good news but with his human body he couldn't climb up the tall tree and so he shouted up to her,
"Mrs Hootowl! Mrs Hootowl! Look my wish came true and now I'm a human boy".
But Mrs Hootowl didn't recognize Kit Cat in his human form and when she saw a human boy shouting at her she simply got frightened and flew away.
So then Kit Cat tried to tell his fairy friend Sparklette about his good news.
But when Sparklette saw a human boy entering the fairie grotto, as all fairies do whenever they see humans coming, she just made herself invisible.
"Isn't anyone happy for me?", he asked.
But he wasn't about to be put off by his friends.
"If they don't like me in my human form", he said, "I'll just go into the land of humans and make myself some new human friends".
And so Kit Cat set off out of the Enchanted forest to a nearby town where lots of humans live.
No sooner had Kit Cat left the forest however, when a strange new visitor arrived there, flying through the forest upon a magic vaccuum cleaner.
It was a modern Witch; a modern witch with big Modern ideas.
Everything about her was modern from her modern, designer witches hat to her robot cat with glowing eyes and whiskers of wire and when she looked round at the enchanted forest she thought.
"Oh an enchanted forest, how quaint but it could use a little improvement".
Then, from out of her designer witches hat, she pulled a plastic container with a tinfoil lid that had the words, "Instant Magic In A Pot. Just add water" printed upon it.
And tearing off the tinfoil lid, the witch then poured water out of her hat into the pot.
The moment that she did however, suddenly, the pot began to bubble and boil, glow and fizz just like a witches magic cauldron and then, out of it started to gush a strange grey goo that, falling onto the forest floor became concrete.
Then the witch threw down the pot onto the ground and a river of grey began flooding out and spreading over everything, turning the ground to roads and pavements and, crawling up and over trunks and branches, turning the trees to houses and lampposts and even the animals and birds, though they tried to run or fly away, were trapped beneath a tidal wave of grey goo and transformed into motorcars and other machines.
Then, seeing how her magic spell was turning the enchanted forest into a grey, grim, urban landscape, the modern witch threw her head back and started to cackle evilly.
"Behold, Robert", she said proudly to her robot cat, "What was the enchanted forest is now Magic Town".
But then suddenly, up out of all the chimneys and exhaust pipes of magic town came a black magic smog that rose to the skies, choking the birds, putting a frown upon the sun and turning the clouds grey.
And before long everyone for miles around could see the dark skies, even the now human Kit Cat who, using the name his parents had given him, Christopher had met a young boy and girl who lived in the town he had gone to called Tom and Susan and was happily playing tag with them in their garden when looking up, his eyes began to widen.
"Oh no!", he said, "The Enchanted forest".
"Enchanted Forest?", asked Susan.
But Kit Cat didn't have time to explain and so, saying he had run home, Kit Cat ran as fast as his new human legs could carry him back to the Enchanted forest.
But when he got to where the Enchanted forest ought to have been then, to his horror, Kit Cat saw that it had all gone, changed into a modern town of brick and concrete with a sign outside it saying, "Welcome to Magic Town".
"Oh no!", he said running into the town, "Mrs Hootowl! Sparklette! What happened here".
But Mrs Hootowl was nowhere to be seen. There was only a mechanical owl ontop of a brass town clock that looked like Mrs Hootowl and Sparklette had turned into a plastic fairy sitting ontop of a christmas tree.
"Oh. How nice!", said the modern witch, flying down out of the air upon her vaccum cleaner and landing beside Kit Cat, "A new resident of Magic Town, I hope".
"Did you do this?", asked Kit Cat angrilly, "What have you done to my forest?".
"Well it was standing in the way of progress little boy", said the Witch, literally putting on a plastic smile, "And anything that gets in the way of progress gets flattened".
"Well you'll have to flatten me then, you old witch", said Kit Cat
"Old witch? Old? Me?", said the witch,"On the contrary little boy. I'm young and new and modern. It's you who are history".
But then the witch twirled round the vacuum cleaner she was sitting on so that its mouth was facing towards him and then she flicked a switch on it and suddenly, Kit Cat felt something like a strong wind tugging upon him, pulling him towards the mouth of the vaccuum cleaner.
Turning, Kit Cat tried to run but the suction power of the vaccuum cleaner was so powerful that it was like running against a strong wind and then he felt his hat being torn from his head and looking back over his shoulder saw it get sucked into and swallowed whole by the vaccuum cleaners mouth while, sitting upon it, the evil witch shrieked with laughter.
"I have your hat little boy", she said, "Now for your head".
Desperate not to be sucked into the cleaner, Kit Cat dived towards a nearby lamppost grabbing hold of it and just in time too for then the witch turned up the suction power upon her vaccuum cleaner and he felt both his shoes and socks go flying as they were yanked from his feet.
But then, suddenly, looking down at the ground, Kit Cat noticed that the manhole cover he was lying across had words upon it.
"Ye olde wishing well", it said.
Kit cat smiled.
"The Wishing -Well", he said, "Its still here".
Hurriedly, with his free hand, Kit Cat unbuttoned one of his coat pockets and, reaching into it, pulled out a coin, feeling all the other coins sucked out of the pocket and hearing them clatter as they too were sucked into the witches vacuum cleaner.
But then, grabbing hold of the edge of the manhole cover, he pushed it aside and then, closing his eyes tightly and dropping the coin into it, made a wish.
Hearing the splosh of the coin in the well the witch guessed what had happened.
"Oh no", she said, "Not my town! Not my beautiful town!".
But then Kit Cat saw the wish he had made start to take effect.
All at once the concrete and the tarmac that the witch had covered the enchanted forest with started to melt away like snow and ice thawing in the spring and when that happened the green grass and earth and flowers that it had buried started to reveal themselves and the trees that had been turned into lamposts started to regain their bark and glow with the green of leaves and all the cars and machines started becoming birds and animals too.
"No! No!", cried the witch, seeing the forest reappearing.
But then she too started to fade just like her town.
"Oh well", she said as she saw her feet vanish and then her legs, "Thats progress".
Looking round at the forest he had almost lost, Kit Cat smiled and then he saw his friend Mrs Hootowl.
She flapped down onto a branch beside him.
"You saved us kit cat", said Mrs Hootowl, "You saved our forest".
"Yes. I wished that everything could be just as it was before the witch arrived", said Kit cat but then, looking down at his furry cat paws he said sadly, "Unfortunately. It took away the wish that made me human. Now no children will want to play with me".
But then kit cat heard a boys voice from behind him.
"Who says?", it said.
And turning round he saw Tom and Susan, the young girl and boy he had met in the town and played tag with. They had followed him to the enchanted forest.
"Well play with you", said Susan.
"Yes. We don't care if your a cat or a boy", said Tom.
"As long as you're our friend", said Susan.
"Wow", said Kit cat, smiling, "My wishes came true and I didn't even need a wishing well".
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I so love the image of the
I so love the image of the witch on the vacuum cleaner. I couldn't help thinking about motor powered Quiddich.
Lots of lovely ideas. I'm glad Kit Cat found his friends.
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