political realities which keep rearing their ugly head
By valiswaverider
- 453 reads
Dark skies foretold in omen
Falling star upon the heavens
sharpened arrows and took aim with blazing arrows
our misfortune is we cannot strike it
the hour of the lurking beast is here
eyes and arms grow weary
Still the star blazes
I stamped the ground
I cry
I do invoke God unto action
All too no avail
I lit a fire
slept uneasy
the star burned still in the sky
wisemen predicted its death , but its death is not upon it
the very ground laments
all returned back too the seasons
Dark star do not return to blight my land
To hide the sun
make us live in fear
falling star burn out before my eyes can see you
trouble my land no more
do not upon the ground in shape of man who makes the ground tremble with hells wrath
Remote unto the chance too slay thee
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