on Psalm 10

By Rhiannonw
Sun, 28 Jan 2018
- 510 reads
[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series]
Arrogant, they scheme, oppress,
lust, revile the Lord we bless,
make no room for God at all
in their thinking – ‘I’ll not fall,
happy I will always be
– God forgets, and does not see.’
Why, O LORD, do you stand by?
Lift your hand – the victims cry.
They ignore God’s laws and sneer,
tripping innocents, but near
is the God who does see grief,
and who quickly brings relief
to the one who waits and prays.
Yes, you know the wicked’s ways.
You’ll arise, and still their power:
they will terrify no more.
Tune: 77 77 D
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