History and Faith
By Tom Brown
- 496 reads
Faith has nothing to do with the supernatural. It is a matter of sober and sound mind, of imagination and visionary thought and of patience, dogged persistence hope and great effort.
Ancient civilizations and great pre-historic kingdoms were built through faith, also mass migration into vast unknown and harsh lands such as the exodus, the american frontier pioneers and voortrekkers in hope for better life. The settlers and first explorers of new lands and seas and the early seafarers' voyages into the unknown were in the spirit of courage and endless perservence.
In southern Africa there was the Zulu kingdom and the kingdom of Zimbabwe. There is evidence in more great monuments and a world full of man made wonders, including those of the Aztec and Inca kingdoms, the Inca roads of south america the Andes route and mountain passes and once more, the pyramids in Egipt. Of course there is the great wall of China, medieval cathedrals and many temples. And much earlier was the taming of fire and growing of wheat, tools of stone and weapons of brass and iron.
In literature there have been great achievements of the human intellect, there were great writings and architecture as well as works of art and music. They all came about through faith. Such are then writings that have changed society and the course of history, but indeed unfortunately not always to the good. Examples included are the Bible, the Baghavad-gita and the Qur'an and the Little Red Book. There were others and there have been evil writings too such as the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf.
Courage and faith made possible early seafarers' discoveries of new worlds and trade routes, the moonlandings, solar system exploration and the very frontiers of science. Whithout it nothing worthwhile has ever been done.
Faith brings trust and confidence, hope and strength endurance and sometimes monumental accomplishments.
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