A few thoughts on computers , robitics society and the internet
By valiswaverider
- 480 reads
Every time in human history seems too be a time of transition of shifting power bases and loss of belief in the old way of doing things. New and challenging beliefs rush in too fill the void but this time seems too have no president in history. I use too think the birth the Internet and the computerisation of the world was comparable with Gutenberg's printing press I was under estimating its impact by several orders of magnitude.
In the book " Futureshock " Alvin Toffer talks about our time being compared too the agricultural revolution of ten thousand years ago. I think he was right but with one point of difference the printing press and agricultural revolution took century's too have impact new technologies seem too have an instantaneous impact
society, jobs and even personal identity are effected.
H.G Well talked about a world brain a repository of knowledge a force for good in a secular rational world. This was before the wars and political chaos and propaganda aided by the new media of the last century.
Now we live in this world of incredible devision and connectedness con existing at the same time with the use of the same technological network. How is anyone individual too make sense of it all ? Meet with Confusing speech about " fake news " and confirmation bias and " identity politics " how can anyone know their own mind. It's like the Internet is some strange new organ from David Cronbergs Videodrome some weird appendage we do nt know how too use.
Free Speech for instance forms the basis for all political debate which use too take place in public forums like , television, newspapers and the town hall now seems too mainly exist on Twitter and public protest. The left and right of political wings rarely enter into public debate and those with the most extreme views seem too get the most airtime.
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Free speach in tv newspapers
Free speach in tv newspapers and the town hall I think you miss the point unless your being sarcastic. Democracy is an illusion of the middle class.
Fuck the class system.
Forgive my french
Though quite an interesting read nevertheless.
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