because you like horror stories

By mcmanaman
- 554 reads
I have been scaring myself shitless every night reading
lesser known Stephen King novels and watching 1980s
Japanese ghost movies I’ve read about on a horror website
but this is not me, watching a film, standing up
too scared to get back to the settee because the last thing I need
is to be comfortable and I am shouting at the little boy
to get out of the house. He knows he shouldn’t be there.
He needs to get back to his dying grandma she needs him
More than anyone but it’s too late now. There’s a hand
on his arm and I am standing in the hallway, I can’t be
in the same room as this as I watch the grandma die
I realise it’s only now this story is really starting.
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Scares me even thinking about
Scares me even thinking about it. I'm often fine when I'm actually reading/watching something. It's when I wake up at two o'clock in the morning...
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