The Fairies Who Brought Fun
By mcscraic
- 330 reads
The Fairies Who Brought Fun
By Paul McCann
Huggie lived by the door of the forest in a hollow log and was happy there in her role as keeper of the green pathways and sprinkler of light among the wild flowers
Huggie was well ranked with the fairy folk by Mother Nature who at this point in time was miserable and defensive in slurs of speech as she asked a favour of the earth and sky for more liberation of fun and the removal of the poison gases at the forest door . Huggies was given a mission that began with a step in the right direction .
Footloose and fancy free she took to the sunrise optimistically. The courageous fairy took flight and landed upon a soft spongy cloud where she thought about the planet earth and how Mother nature had asked her to meet Dribbles the sky fairy for some help to clean up the forests and collect some red rocks for plugging up the holes near the door to the forest where gas had begun to poison life around the green pathways . A big job for a little fairy but Huggie had guts .
With confident fairy footsteps she stepped over the clouds to her skywalk meeting with Dribbles the airy cloud fairy who was already there sitting on her cloud waiting for the forest fairy . She glanced at Huggie and said with an essence of intrigue .
“ A forest fairy on my cloud .So is this an omen or an illusion . Maybe it’s that oxymoronic vapour trail from the jet that just passed by that has me seeing shades of fantasy . What could the purpose of this visit be ? ”
Huggie was lost for words .
“ Ah um , ur . . . yes that’s right I’m your friendly forest neighbour come bearing brown autumn leaves to lighten your day”
Dribbles started reshaping the cloud and answered ,
“Nice try , but you forgot it is spring and the trimmings of leaves are greener than lunar fromage in the still of Jupiter's atmosphere on any given day.’
‘Huggie took 3 steps closer to Dribbles and blew some brown leaves from the palm of her hand and said.
“ Things might look clearly obscure Dribbles , but I am on a mission from Mother Nature to bring back some red rocks en route to the fourth dimension to plug some holes between the sulphur fields and the forest door “
“You are still on my cloud and it’s me your talking to . I’m not one of those pixies who live among the purple-petalled sunflowers .”
Dribbles said as she threw some soft mist from her fist that kissed Huggies cheek .
Huggie seemed a little embarrassed and asked .
“ Have you ever seen the morning sun dance merrily on the ceiling of the sky .”
Then she began to dance and her sweeping moves shook all the way from her solar plexus to the tips of her fairy wings that fluttered frantically sending flashes of light around the clouds above .
Dribbles applauded and said
“So I guess your unexpected visit means you need a mother ship for your mission into the 4th dimension .”
Huggie said ,
“Well Dribbles you half gone crazy cloud fairy , I thought you would never ask .“
The mother ship surfaced from underneath the cloud and Huggie stepped inside ;
As soon she did she did she was propelled into the invisible curtain beyond he window of time . Shortly afterwards upon a solar moon Huggie was stranded on the surface of this strange planet where sulphur pods spat out hot rocks that lay there motionless with fumes of smoke spurting out from them and Huggie breathing in some of the gas started to talk aloud .
“ Wow all those wed wocks wound me . Better get them into my pockets before the door closes and that wud see me worse for the wear with the worst kind of whoosh bursting through the hectic sketic streams of sulphuric smoke ever smelt since time began “.
She seemed to be effected with an allergic reaction from the sulphuric smoke and began to do delusional dancing . Just at that moment , Dribbles the cloud fairy arrived in a interdimensional rocket ship and landed beside the Mother ship / Getting off the ship she approached Huggie with a sway and a snigger.
"Stay still while I zap you Huggie “:
Dribbles placed a magic wand upon her head and said .
“Count to three backwards three times when I tell you."
"Dribbles I love you," she said still very delusional .
With a wide wet wink Dribbles reached for her harmonic stabilizor that whizzed and whirled through the main stem of the want and suddenly she said .
“It’s Zap time Huggie”
She got zapped and in a second went zoom high into the sky where she started to whizz again like a forest fairy dancing in flight within a translucent kind of light all around her . When she returned back to the ground she still showed a slight disfigurement of speech.
“Fanks Dwibbles , help me blease to put some of dose wed wocks into my fairy prockets and get back inside de mother ship .“
Dribbles assisted Huggie to put the red rocks into her pockets . Both fairies were back inside their interdimensional space craft . With the sound they make in time travelling they were whisked away through time and space back to the cloud where Dribbles lived . When the purple smoke wafted both sat on the cloud and the fourth dimension was gone It was as if it never happened but some of the purple smoke lingered . The lingering became loitering . The purple plume clung to the cloud like a suggestion of a beautiful smoky cloud picture that began to take shape right before their eyes
Dribbles took his sizziling silver sizzors from his fairy pocket and cut the thick smoke then walked back and took a look at the cloud form that turned deeper purple .
Huggie went over and stood by her side , suddenly they were sucked into a plug hole, or was it a water slide, landing them both in a field of purple-petalled sunflowers where pixies stood near the forest door where sulphuric smoke shot out from holes in the ground . An emerald pool lay still there in this fresh landscape . Echoes of singing fish leaping in and out of the water broke the silence as Dribbles slapped Huggie on the back and said .
“Well come on quick , plug those holes before its too late . Hurry Huggie”
Half blinded by the sulphuric smoke Huggie took some of the red rocks from her pockets and plugged all of the holes in the ground . Suddenly to everyone’s joy, blooms appeared where among the red rocks and dazzled everyone with their vivid colours . The pixies started to dance with delirium. White doves descended head first into the crystal pond and made oblong ripples that shimmered across to the other side where a small wooden boat floated towards Huggie and Dribbles who got in and grabbed the oars and rowed.
Within a few moments they came to some water lillies that went whoosh as a wild wind whisked the boat from the pond and whisked them up into the air and sat them down on a mountain top with a few planks of clarity missing .
Mother Nature appeared unannounced as she always does and said
"Well done fairies of the earth and sky . You returned the balance between the dimensions and now we can all have fun again . "
A funny jocular bird flying around overhead came , singing
"Me no Nemo , you no Nino and who knows if El Neneyo is coming back again "
Almost in a palindrome with a quivering pendulous moan . No sooner had the jocular bird sang his song when the quivering pendulous moan suddenly erupted in a flutter of ten thousand butterflies all coloured blue and sporting light sabres that glowed in the fading light of day . The gossamers of dusk clung to patches of sunlight where silk spiders sung their songs and spun their dream webs to catch the those butterflies and sprinkles of sporting light . What a delightful show it was with sprinkles of pretty twilight creatures captured all on a row with Mother Nature laughing in a hearty guffaw .
Twilight as it always does sprinkled half light across the sky as beams from moon started to arrived on the mountain top .
Mother Nature started to dance upon the ground that crumbled and opened up glowing fissures under her hovering feet. Then suddenly she she stopped dead in her tracks.
With all that was happening around in the sparkles, the moonbeams and the fussures at her feet, she said in a deep maternal tone ,
"It’s really happened . Thanks to you Dribbles and Huggie . Now we can all have so much fun again "
‘Oh goody fundrops “ said Dribbles who began to float back up to the sky in a purple haze on a moonbeam .
“Oh yes indeed , what a fun bursting time “ said Huggie
Glancingup at the sky then , realization dawned as the sky train arrived and Huggie got on board . The train started to roll back down the mountain paths and in a short matter of time the train pulled into the forest grounds. After exiting the sky train and taking the road toward the forest door she was confronted by a couple of Green pathway agents who were sweeping and mopping the paths . They demanded to see Huggies ID.
On no where had he left her Fairy E Disk card?
Wendy the wicked witch descended on her broom and haggled and gaggled . As she began to cast her spell over Huggie , Mother Nature arrived in a fury so vivid that it made the wicked witches skin crawl . The light of the forest came upon her and she passed away handing back Huggies Fairy E Dick Id card that she had stolen long before the journey had begun .
In a blinding laser light the witch had been turned into a pool of nausea that was mopped up by the green pathway agents . Mother Nature spun and then sung a song of thankfulness and joy .
‘Oh how lovely and sweet on the mountain tops is the light of thing to come and the fun we will have on every path in the forest to the clouds in the sky . fun , fun fun for everyone .:
The she stopped singing and blew a kiss at Huggie ,
"I just want to thank you again for everything you have done " She said defensively trying to stop herself from tears , even the stars in the sky twinkled and danced in a new found liberation of wonder .
The End
By Paul McCann
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