By valiswaverider
- 697 reads
Locked down and escaped much notice
First press and government say it's not too serious
Then things go delirious
Next your terrorised with uncertainty
Then your patronised with vagueness
Some will volunteer
Stand right their hold my beer
Others will happily sack the staff
While sitting by the swimming pool
You trusted me
You stupid fool
Welcome to the golden rule
I ll keep my stash of cash
While you fist fight over toilet rolls
Most are stuck at home
Most make the best
others live with fear of
some one they could not stand
Even Before things got out of hand
That's when the screaming starts
Some families now will break our hearts we ll hear about it
in the press a separate death toll of pain full lives
shrink down further in distress
Others will take their lives
Can not function now at all
When everyday actions turn into crimes
We are living though such pressing times
Be vigilant
Too vigilant
Everyone's gone militant
What's in your shopping trolley
Looking at that bloody wally
Judgementalism the new spectator sport in over drive
it's news onslaught
Tabloids and social media
Creating mass hysteria
Please give it a rest
If not cast your first Stone at me
If you can not let other people be
We prioritise in different ways
You can not see that in the haze
I will not practice hourly hate
You do it your way
Alright mate
The young and old in different camps
No schooling for the little scamps
No outside for the very old
Their life inside seems very cold
When husbands died and kids are grown and moved away
Where is the will to carry on ?
They got it from then little circle
Their church
There God
To them the Internet is odd
They do not like this strange new age where little kids are I pad slaves reach out to them you have the time their loneliness is the real crime
Who goes their?
Suddenly it's east Germany
With everyone on house arrest
Just stay at home and make the best
The way it must be but not the best
You will get no argument from me
Do nt let your house become a tomb
Find what little freedom that you can
What others think do nt give a damn
All curtain twitchers live in hell
Have boring lives
they really smell
Do nt become like one of them
Instead seek the inner peace
Or common cheer
This crap will finish by next year
What if you can nt stay at home
Your jobs to help the vulnerable
I am one within that number
My job was stressful to begin
Now add to that the shit we re in
The lesson out of Spain's quiet clear
Some will stay and do their jobs
Others fear the angry mobs
Yet you feel watched by a million eyes
All sat at home and terrorised
You do not have a uniform
A stereotype you do nt conform
So please calm down judgemental types and think
A picture paints a thousand words
But who knows what troubles lie behind it
Not everyone who shops in bulk is doing it for them selves
The money is on its way
You ll struggle to make it to that day
Everything has been shut down
In a world run by stupid clowns
You always knew this was the case
But did nt loss your sleep at night
Because you knew might made them right
They have all the money all the power
But you always knew they where a a shower
Now they have enshrined this power
You sit at home at every hour
Watching as things gain pace
While real life's a snails pace
New laws come in to effect
Oh god what comes next
We have zero normality
Facing our mortality
But still we lack the clarity
To know what's coming down the stretch
Is the race half run or just begun ?
no rebel I again fate
I will not practice the hourly hate
But what will happen down the stretch I do not like been put to the test endurance only lasts so long
And many times I ve been proved wrong
When will our minds all be at rest
Only when with stood this test
So hang on in their while you can
And do not curse your fellow man
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In my opinion this is a
In my opinion this is a really good poem about the issues, particularly the social isolation/distancing and discipline issues, brought up by the coronovirus crisis. You say so much which is really relevant, and have some interesting perspectives to share. If it was in my power I would definitely give you some cherries for this one!
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