let's dance

By Coolhermit
Sun, 12 Jul 2020
- 381 reads
take my hand,
I promise we will dance
tangos, boleros, wild fandangos.
drink muscatel straight from the bottle.
sing loud outrageous songs
with curtains wide and lights full on
through firefly jacaranda nights.
make stabs at the lyrics of Bob Dylan classics,
I’ll crawl out the window acting like a diplomat,
you in your leopard-skin pillbox hat
the spitting image of a Siamese cat.
we’ll have fun freewheeling Highway 61.
it’s all right, Ma,
ignore the blood spots on the floor
it’s just my forehead bleedin’
from butt butt buttin’ on heaven’s door.
we’ll revive forty-fives.
doo-wop backing Da Doo Ron Ron,
and Dancing in the Street.
cuddling up to Coltrane
A Love Supreme
sweet and cool
on sultry summer nights.
neighbours will mutter,
“they ought to know better,”
and shutter their ears
against our whooping celebrating
nothing left to lose.
I’ll stand at the window
blowing my alto – and you?
you, my sweet, can learn the banjo.
tuck your red dress in your Janet Reger’s.
turn breathless cartwheels across the floor.
make me seasick. make me yell for
more! more! more! more! more! more!
cos we will be dancing wild dervish dances.
leaping, twisting, banshee howling, laughing.
oh yes, my darling,
I promise you dancing,
music, singing, and drinking,
laughter and loving and joy
I promise you
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