The Promise Of Heaven
By mcscraic
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The Promise Of Heaven
By Paul McCann
The promise of heaven after this life is on going and has always been a reality for me and even though I don’t know what that would be like I try to picture the kind of life that I would experience there ,.
Before I continue I pray that you would be open to the things I am trying to say and bring to the good Lord all the situations you are going through in your life.
Holy spirit you are welcome in this place and I ask you bring counsel , healing and understanding to the person who is reading this article now . .
As someone who has lived in exile from the place where I was born , I have always found my Irish accent an issue so I learned to talk slowly and clearly so I could be understood but even still as slow and clear as I’ve tried to be my accent still comes through .
Do you think we’ll have accents in heaven ?
I hope not cause I don’t want to spend an eternity repeating myself to everyone there .
Does the good Lord understand me when I pray ?
I hope so . Someone said to me once that God knows what’s in my heart before I pray so I guess I shouldn’t have to worry about my accent too much .
As a songwriter and a musician I love music and love the way most singers don’t have an accent when they record a song , The thought what kind of music is played in heaven conjures an image of choirs endlessly singing praise to our loving Father in an effort to worship Him .
In all of the songs we would sing there would be a combination of words inspired by the silent thoughts and prayers in our hearts and minds and throughout the halls and passages of heaven those songs would echo out to everyone inviting people to join in .
On earth we have always had anniversaries and remembrance days of past wars and tragic events that occurred . We are often asked to stop briefly and think about those people who had paid the ultimate sacrifice for king and country, or for those who has lost their lives in some accident or in an unforeseen act of cruelty of one kind or another .
I have heard stories about some pilots and soldiers who never returned home from the war and I heard stories about those who did return to live out the rest of their live . I would hope that the promise of heaven they have already found.
On the same wavelength we as Christians remember Jesus who paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we can share an eternal life with him and our Father in heaven . At the last supper Jesus had established a new covenant that would be sealed by the blood of his suffering . No longer would blood sacrifice have to be offered because Jesus had taken that tole as the sacrificial lamb .
In that communication there was a divine love that had been realised for the very first time and at that moment the apostles understood what had been said and now thousands of years later we are still hearing the same words today . We are still speaking about Jesus and what he had said and the promise of heaven is still alive in our hearts .
What is this divine love and how can we understand it ?
Many writers have written on the theme of divine Meister Eckhart a German Theologian 1260 to 1327 wrote ,
“God is Love and out of love he gives existence and life to every creature , supporting them all with his love and all creation would because to exist if separated from the love that God is .”
Simone Well – in Waiting For God writes
‘Divine love crossed the infinity of space and time to come from God to us . But how can it repeat the journey in the opposite direction starting from a finite creature .”
English mystic William Law 1686 – 1761 wrote
Of all the strong things we hold in our lives there is nothing as strong or irresistible as divine love . It is the song of all the angels of God , it is the echo of all thoughts and silent prayers fused together into one voice from every nation on earth .
The only hope we have is that we can all be forgiven from the wrongs we do and have done as to make the promise of heaven a reality that we can all share .
The promise of heaven seeks for every sinner upon earth to be redeemed and share in His divine love forever .
Thomas Kempis from The Imitation Of Christ writes
“Deepen your love in me O Lord that I may learn in my inner most heart how sweet it is to love .”
Someone asked Karl Barth to sum up his message in his books on Christianity theology and he replied ,
“Jesus loves me this I know because the bible tells me so. “
If you have a bible , turn to the first book of John chapter 4 verse 7 to 12 .
The message Jesus brought still continues today in us because he lives in us God knows our hearts and can see if we are genuine about giving and receiving .
When we welcome Jesus into our life he will make welcome into his eternal life with him and if we commit our life to him , Jesus will insure we will never be alone in this life for Jesus will make a home in us where the Father and him can live .
Isn’t that a reason to rejoice , Isn’t that his promise of heaven for us ?
So in remembrance of the new covenant that was established we remember not just once a year but constantly remember what he did for us and the promise that woukld send us a comforter and councillor .
Have you ever been invited to someone’s home and when you went inside you felt so welcome and at ease there that you were uplifted and inspired by that company ?
Then after the visit ended the warmth of that memory lingered and even still is embedded in your memory .
Have you ever been left out from being invited to a party where some of your friends were invited and you felt like you were forgotten about .
Once I was invited to a wedding . Only the church though not the reception . So along I went with my gift for the happy couple and then returned home after the service .
I felt kind of left out of that celebration .
Isn’t it great to know that we are invited to spend an eternity with such a wonderful God who will not forget us because we belong to him and he is our hope in every situation we are going through .
We are here to share a part of our day with Jesus and each other here in this place . Isn’t that wonderful .
We all share the same belief and we will share communion shortly with each other . Isn’t that marvellous ?
Isn’t that beautiful ?
For all of us an invitation has already been sent for us to attend a banquet .
Our loving Father in heaven wants us to stay not just for the banquet but for the rest of eternity with him .
There are no tickets handed out all that is required is accepting him and his law in this world we live .
So if you’re doing that get in line , for you are one of those who will be welcome at the banquet .
The Father knows you because you are on the list of invitations .
So when will this banquet take place –
Very soon .
What requirements does God ask of us in order that we may attend this banquet ?
To reap the full benefits of what God wants for us in life we have to seek first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added onto thee . Notice the word all other things . That’s a lot all other things is everything we could ever hope for so put that into perspective and allow that to happen .
Then we can all other things in heaven together with hearts full of acceptance and understanding in divine love .
So we as followers of Christ must realize that we have the ability to ask for the power of divine love into our lives so that Gods presence is alive in everything that we do .
As long as there are people who want to seek after the Kingdom then that divine love will continue to grow and flourish in every heart and mind that are alive . The love of God can lift us above the troubles of this world .
As Christians we have a sense of unity about what we believe and the connection between us is Jesus . We have harmony and joy in knowing that we will share an eternal life with God and there is no question about attending banquet that is waiting .
The End
By Paul McCann
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Interesting and encouraging
Interesting and encouraging to read your testimony of faith in the Saviour. I thought at first the scripture reference was to the gospel of John, and wondered, why has he stopped before verse 14, and, 26, 42? But then I realised you were referring to the wonderful verses in John's first letter! Thank you. Rhiannon
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