gimme shelter
By Coolhermit
- 340 reads
tangling ivy and bramble branches
throttle my back garden
and buried in the far corner
is the air-raid shelter
my grandparents used
to save themselves,
and my mother
(and me by default - I wasn't born yet)
from stick bombs of the Luftwaffe
the walls are four bricks thick
its roof is nine inch concrete
(reinforced) and there’s a nifty
boarded up escape hatch at the back
it’s had its uses over-time
it’s been a hen house, wood store,
sweat lodge, bijou cafe,
but the overgrowth of
undergrowth defeated me
and I let nature take its course
(or was that a lie I told myself?)
last week,
impelled by an urgency,
I set about reclaiming it
with thorn prick curses
and brand new machete
I slashed a pathway to the door
(still painted black - disintegrating)
and flashed a torch inside
a stove was there,
intact from over thirty years,
two chairs and a table set
two dinner plates, knives and forks
two wine glasses (a bottle smashed)
a single dessicated rose
in a black mould vase
and a Valentine card
I’d overplayed my hand
one misty evening,
mid-February nineteen ninety,
I proposed to Bethany
but Beth shook her head, said,
she could do much better than me
my ‘sorry sorry sorry’
(for god knows what)
echoed hollow after her -
and thirty years later
I slammed the black door
to the oubliette
but too late –
that clutch of memories
had broken free
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Vivid picture. Biography,
Vivid picture. Biography, fictional or true, or partly true, or autobiography? What a place to rediscover in the weeds!
'god' or God'? Rhiannon
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