Quadripartita Ratio (or Saturday Night at the Disco)

By Ewan
- 860 reads
[The four fundamental rhetorical operations or quadripartita ratio are: addition (adiectio), omission (detractio), permutation (immutatio) and transposition (transmutatio). This poem is not about Rhetoric.]
Quadripartita Ratio
Rhetoric allows for deviation
of the accepted form,
Martial marshalled his thoughts
and subverted praise to damnatory effect.
I sidled up to attractive women -
sharp as a bent nail,
cool as a gherkin -
perhaps the smell put them off.
Or perhaps accumulation:
one truth followed by a chain
of undisputed facts, one arm uplifted
the face of sincerity behind a lectern.
I spouted trivial pursuit answers,
any unchecked factoid,
bamboozled with woozles,
instead of complimenting a dress.
Speaking less, nodding agreement,
offering empty discourse markers but
forgetting eye contact and even
to listen for clues and indicators.
I often wondered why their eyes
looked over my shoulder
at the saturday-night-fevered fool
who wouldn’t be alone at the bus-stop later.
The same things said in different ways,
variety bringing spice to mundane truths:
repetition teaches the donkey,
permutation laminates the message.
I shifted words and lines
to no effect at all, for it’s the singer
not the song, the surface not the core,
whoever listens on the balcony.
Turn the argument on its head.
Change viewpoints, list merits
as deficiencies and vice versa
change a fortiori to ad feminam.
I swapped chatter for silence,
pretended disinterest, danced alone,
became interesting and different
to gain success unvalued by either party.
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A forensic approach to a poem
A forensic approach to a poem. Your work is always interesting, Ewan.
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