By Annette Bromley
- 942 reads
Samantha’s Song
I’ve heard it said and have believed
since I was, oh I think about seven,
my grandma said , that when a bluebird sings
it’s a love song sent from heaven.
Samantha is a bluebird.
She has a lovely song.
I’ve often heard her singing
all day and all night long;
well, in the morning and the evening
and at mid-day off and on
when I’m outside in my garden
or in the meadow picking flowers,
I hear Samantha singing,
she sings for hours and hours.
To me, she is a blessing,
it seems in many ways.
She cheers up my lonely moments
and brings joy to my day.
She joins me on my walkabouts
or when I’m somewhere out there hiking,
I hear her song, Samantha’s song
and I think it delighting,
the sweet song of a bluebird singing,
there is joy in every note
and when I’m feeling empty
her song fills me with hope.
I know, it may not be the same bluebird
I’m hearing every time,
but the bluebird’s song is such delight
I claim the gift as mine,
a blessing sent from heaven
that brings joy to me;
and to me, it is a blessing,
it’s just something I believe. that
Samantha’s song, that sweet, bluebird
that lives in the apple tree
and day after day, come rain or shine
sings her joyful notes for me,
sings to fill me with hope and happiness
when my days seem empty, long,
and oh, it truly gives me joy
to hear the bluebird’s song.
I’ve heard it said and have believed
since I was, oh I think about seven,
my grandma said , that when a bluebird sings
it’s a love song sent from heaven.
It’s what my grandma said.
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Beautiful, lovely. I always like listening to doves, laughing doves and turtle doves, they carry on the whole night and mate in all the seasons and sing their joy of life.
Thanks Annie for your poem & Nolan
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"Life is a gift
"Life is a gift; Living it is a choice". What a lovely slogan Annette! And how about something like this "Not dying is not the same as Living. And that old corny pun everyone knows "Is life worth living?", "It depends on the liver". True though!
& Nolan
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