The Pirate mini-novel (Chap. 3 - 6)
By Richard L. Provencher
- 424 reads
CHAPTER THREE - And all Alone…
What should he do first? James looked at the river. “A Magic place,” the man had said. “Aha,” the boy exclaimed, spotting flat stones just under the water.
“KERPLUNK!” as his rock skipped four times. Not bad, first try.
Others went skittering in the distance while several landed on the opposite shore. After wrist-shooting 25 flat stones his arm was tired.
And he was bored.
James watched a crow sweep upwards to a crevice in the cliff. Must be almost a hundred feet up, he figured.
The river was full of little waterfalls and the current bumped into and scraped over different sized boulders.
It was fun watching a few large branches coasting on top of the rushing water. He pretended they were ships exploring the unknown.
A squirrel raced along the bank towards him. The nervous animal stopped suddenly, tearing off in a new direction.
Why was it afraid? James wouldn’t hurt the cute little animal.
In fact, he was the one who was usually afraid. “Of his shadow,” chums at school often said. He didn’t like to swim in water over his head. Or climb high places.
Nor even hike in the wild woods.Yet, here he was.
The boy wondered if mom told Mr. Lawrence about his fears. Would she be proud of him if she knew her son was sitting by himself in the deep forest?
He was pleased Mr. Lawrence trusted him. There didn’t appear to be any danger, since the river was quite shallow here.
James decided he might as well have a little fun by trying out his borrowed fishing rod. He pushed his worm closer to the end of the hook the way Mr. Lawrence had shown him.
Placing his thumb on the fishing reel control button, he swung his arm towards the pool of water. Just as he finished his swing he lifted his thumb.
"WOWIE!" he said. “This is fun.”
However, each cast seemed to have a mind of its own. Several got caught in the weeds, with one ending up on a tree branch overhead.
Then a huge fish managed to spit the lure out.
He wondered if Mr. Lawrence had caught any downstream? Or how long he’d be. And whether his neighbor liked James, especially after the way the boy behaved.
It took James about six tries. But his hook and worm finally landed in the right spot. And a ‘lunker’ snatched it. “YAYYY! I got one!!"
Excited yells smacked against the trees. And hurried across the river. His echo even traveled through the narrow valley, returning like a boomerang.
James raised his fishing rod just as Mr. Lawrence had instructed. Finally the struggling brook trout swung through the air towards him.
Then landed with a loud plop on the grass.
It jumped around a bit, before James grabbed it firmly. The boy’s blue eyes squeezed shut with excitement. His thoughts thanked the river for giving up such a neat fish.
My first one," he said after his arm waving ended. All this activity called for a break. Feeling sleepy, he sat down.
He lay his head on the nearest soft rock, eyes barely able to stay open.
The sun felt warm and comfortable. Like mom made him feel when giving him a goodnight kiss on the cheek.
James also thought about dad. He missed him so much. He wished he were right here beside his son. And seeing the fish the boy caught.
It didn’t seem fair.
He remembered the beautiful flower arrangements at dad’s funeral.
And how hard he hung onto his mother’s hand. James was the new man of the house and knew he had to make his dad proud of him.
Time seemed to stand still as pleasant images of his family swept through the young boy’s memories. Suddenly, he shook himself awake and opened his eyes.
What he dreamed about was certainly wonderful. He now felt rested. As his eyes began to focus he noticed someone standing over him.
"AVVAST” a strangely accented voice said.
CHAPTER FIVE - A Stranger Arrives
“I beg your pardon?” James asked.
“What manner of contraption were ye flinging into yonder stream?"
James looked up and saw a boy older than himself. He was perhaps eleven or twelve years of age.
And he wore a wide brimmed hat with a loose fitting shirt. Baggy brown pants covered thick legs barely past his kneecaps.
A red cape covered his shoulders and he wore sandals.
"Who…who are you?” James dared to ask.
By now he was trying to stand without quivering, and staring. Where did this stranger come from? James wondered.
"I be Nathan," the stranger replied.
"You look like some sort of pirate," James said jokingly.
"That I am," Nathan answered.
"You are?"
"Surprised, lad? I take to these fearsome woods as you do. We come often to this out of the way place, for respite. Now my mates are upstream a bit, beyond a huge marsh. It leads into a lake where our ‘Sea Rover’ is moored."
“Sea Rover?”
“Aye, that it is. Ye might call it a pirate ship.”
James’ mouth stretched wide. His eyes followed where the pirate boy pointed upstream on the Debert River, disappearing around a wide bend.
“You mean a ship is over there? A pirate ship?”
”Aye. Did ye expect me to drop from the sky into this horrible land of insects?”
“They bother you too?” James asked.
“Methinks they carry long spears that strike all parts of the body.”
And both boys laughed.
“Might I ask lad, what manner of clothing is that?" The pirate boy nodded at James. "Your head covering is also strange."
“These are called jeans,” James said, slapping at his legs. And this is a Blue Jay baseball cap.” James continued to stare bug-eyed at Nathan.
“And this is a hiking jacket Mr. Lawrence made me bring. He’s my neighbor who went fishing around that bend,” he said. His pointing was where the pirate ship also waited.
“He’s walking about in this swirl of baking sun? And fending off these heathen insects?” Nathan asked.
“Yes. But he put some stuff on.”
“Stuff?” the Pirate boy asked.
“Yes, it stops the mosquitoes from munching arms and legs.”
“Munching you say?”
“Yes, you know…digging into skin. To get your BLOODD.” And James gave the best imitation he could of Count Dracula.
Nathan backed up a step and lifted his cape.
A short, curved sword hung on his hip. He looked at the serious look on James’ face then began to laugh. “You’re a funny lad,” he said.
“Too bad the kids at school can’t see me now,” said the younger boy. You could be my school chum. They pick on me just because I’m not very big. You could even show them your sword…”
“It’s a cutlass, lad. I’m thankful ye aren’t afraid of me,” Nathan said, “That’s meaning something.”
"You're really a pirate?" James asked again.
CHAPTER SIX - Sharing Stories
"Aye. I am that. Call me a Buccaneer, if you will." And the boy pounded on his chest. “It’s the same meanin’.”
"You promise you won't hurt me?" James asked.
"Not a little tyke like you," the boy said. “Besides, I know you are a brave lad. None others of our age are on the ship. It is not a liking I have for being the only young one aboard.”
“How did you get on a pirate ship?” James asked, fascinated with his new friend.
"Enough chatter. I must be off."
“Wait, pirate boy…I mean Buccaneer!” James said. “Your cape and pants are really neat.”
“Thank you lad.”
“Show me your ship, okay?”
“No time, lad. It’s a walk beyond yonder ridge. And rests lazily aside a bay of water that awaits me.”
“Stay just a bit longer,” James said. “Please.”
Then he showed the pirate boy how to cast the same way Mr. Lawrence showed him. Nathan even caught a speckled trout.
“Now you know what a fishing rod does,” James said.
They skipped rocks together and James let his new friend win.
Nathan talked about life on a ship.
“My duties are to attend the Captain. To bring him hot biscuits and soup, from the cook. Often I see his maps, and once an open chest filled with doubloons. To while away some free time, he lets me play with Spanish silver coins he calls pieces of eight.”
“Doubloons?” James asked.
“Aye, his golden treasure. And in his room are many books. I canno’ read, so they hold no interest for me.”
Both boys spent time sharing stories.
Nathan held James’ attention with tales he heard from other pirates. They were about fearsome men like John Bartholomew and Calico Jack.
James was amazed to hear there was even a lady pirate, called Mary Read.
The younger boy was interested in hearing much more. But a booming sound bounced off the nearby rocky walls and slammed into their ears.
“What was that?” James asked.
“A cannon signal for me,” James’ new friend answered. “I must return with haste. The Jolly Roger will soon run up the flagpole, meaning we are to set sail for the high seas.”
“Will I ever see you again?” James asked.
“Aye, lad. Methinks you will.” Nathan stepped forward and clasped his hands on each of James’ shoulders. “A sign of friendship, lad.”
“I won’t forget you, either.”
“Ta-Rah” was a farewell from the other boy. Then he was gone.
It reminded James about two loons he had observed one day on Mattatall Lake. After the pair of them sang their musical notes, they suddenly disappeared below the surface.
But he did see them again.
In this case, Nathan had stepped through heavy brush and vanished. James sat on the ground and shook his head. Maybe it was the heat, he thought.
Or had he been dreaming?
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