Joyful Fountains

“As well the singers as the players on instruments shall be there,

All my springs are in thee!”

– Psalm 87

A warm dream

One of my favourite dreams I have a dream of warm love and yes the glowing embers! How incredibly romantic. As in silence darkness draws near sacred...

Diamond Water

The River of Life From the far side of the mountains, from those great high plains come the singing waters, gift of heaven, of storms, wind and...

Frogs in the milk

In great anticipation of exploring the farmyard Freddy and Timmy left the pond for the first time. Excitedly our two buddies were off on their...


Vinnig langs die paadjie trippel Mabalêl; Vrolik klink die liedjie Wat die klingilinge van haar enkelringe vergesel. Op die voetpad sy alleen, Met...

Musical Fountains

Lakeside Fountains that sway and bend dance and jump gaily to the music in every Christmas colour of light reflected on the water. The air festive...

Passion And Tenderness

A Song of Love Oh my beloved my darling your eyes capture me so tender and gentle they sing they call as turtle doves they laugh! Like heaven is your...

Warm Love

To me I seem like a scared little boy bravely walking and trudging over ankle deep snow all alone through a quiet deserted frosty wood.

White Stallions

The Sea Ocean sunshine


A love letter is written by hand ink on paper. The best is give her the letter yourself but it could take a bit of courage and perhaps a bit risky in...

Ghost in the Storm

A Legend by the Fires A legend of ages past tells of a wild child born of the mountains, a drifter cliffs and canyons were his home the soul of the...

Vishta And Vishnu

A Story of endless Love The royal princess Vishta Kirvaka with Vishnu Ramanjuan were to be bound by holy matrimony arranged at birth a traditional...