Diamond Water
By Tom Brown
Thu, 12 Feb 2015
- 1072 reads
The River of Life
From the far side of the mountains, from those great high plains come the singing waters, gift of heaven, of storms, wind and clouds.
O’ hear the Song, the song of a singing stream!
She sings of young love and romance lovingly shyly whispering her feelings in murmurs her water freely flows a glass without beginning and without end. As the sun rises at the start of day all nature wakes once more in her magnificence and glory, the early morning river mirroring serene the dawn on many smooth pools.
All of the rainbow’s colours circle in mist and sunshine. Reeds nod, sway swing in waves, shake and shudder in the wind. Long grass quivers with the breeze and on the ponds water ripples and tremble. Carefree she runs joyfully on and more streams join in her tender proud innocence with a youthful gladness she calls her smaller sisters and brothers.
Pristine water falling forms a noisy shiny curtain as her waters so lively sparkle and glitter and of clear clean pure high mountain streams water falls alive misty and cascades quick-quick and slow dance and then, suddenly, she’s under leafy shelter in shade behind green bowers of grass and reeds red pink and purple flowers and feathered white plumed rushes.
Wondrous thus dawns new life in falling waters’ laughter, misty wet alive thundering into cold pools as fresh, a promise of light and the gates of heaven wildly lively oh lovingly borne strong and brave. She runs once more in a swish and a swirl a rush and gush her playful glee and mirth in joyful abandon.
Shadow Lands
The river winding slowly now disappears in lush green shade, dense overgrowth, into the thickset foliage of forest in eerie stillness. There is a peace, a hush a faint mumbling of water between rocks and stones and nothing stirs. Golden beams break through as here and there the river weaves between and through shafts of sunlight in her quiet flow she is at ease, in a pale haze and fog and she is lost.
When hidden from the sun, her feelings are subdued and moods shade with darkness as light dims. In the quiet calm of her slumber she longs for light, while sombre long black veiled shadows weep for all love that comes to pass, of her joy that is spent now, and her love that is done now and has died.
Ghostly the deep pools and ponds grieve, as in deep gentle flow of sorrow in quiet she weeps and weeps and cries her lonely lament. She alone knows her pain her sad cry her tears and her always never ceasing sorrow. Forever lost now is lover’s passion parted, no life escapes even memories whither and fade and are lost and end in a wilderness of pain. Mortal loves have passed, separated and are destroyed for eternity. Finally death brings peace, the mourning of holy hymns of silence. Her last comforts are in the half moonlit glisten and glimmer of the distant stars of the Southern skies.
Eternal Delight
Then winding again lazily, through sunlight patched fields and pastures of yellow brown and green, under shadows of fleecy drifting clouds, through sun drenched valleys and plains stained of straw and gold she sheens and shimmers from far. Her course runs strong across plains down canyons through valleys always heading for the great deep sea. In wild grass and thorn trees in the heat of the noon a thousand cicada beetles chirrr chirrr chirrr drone loudly on and on in the bush, hum hum and hiss hiss hiss sounds loudly the noise from everywhere, from acacia trees, wild grass and bushes drones loudly kerr kerr seess seess buzzing in the blazing summer African sun.
The river breathes sweet scents of incense of many flowers the nectar perfumes come from far, comes wild, and she soothes in fragrances of healing balsam and myrrh. She paints her shades and hues in pastel she paints with brush on silk. Gently and dreamily lilies sway and dance their leaves easy afloat on the stream, from the river shines a halo she is crowned she radiates a rainbow wreath in laurels of every shade.
Joyous flowing moving living, happiness and freedom pours down in cascades and waterfalls as she races on she thrills rushing headlong jubilating for the vast blue waters, free running in sunshine and open blue sky victorious in her happy laughter in her joyful singing. Jubilant, yearning for the gates of paradise believing in the far-off bright port, the doors of light and the garden and flowing ever the stronger.
Affection of invincible tenderness undying her passion sings she survives life and conquers the grave, triumphant of death, love will be always victorious without pain of farewell, fate and even death itself cannot sever a bond of true love, a love of promise and joy a love of ever-living hope!
Listen to the Love Song, a song of singing waters!
For my brother Jacques
February 2015
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