Lucky Break
By Lore
- 131 reads
Minister Oronia. She crossed the room in silence and sat opposite Shren before the others had recovered from the shock of her appearance. Two paper notes were passed between the Southern and Eastern leaders with the latter smiling at his new found winnings.
“I understand we’re meeting about something big. Something that may threaten my people. If that is the case, you’ve got my attention.”
The other leaders flapped their lips yet no words came out. Only Trayar was in any state to talk. “We’ve just been warned that a famine is coming and if we don’t start planning now then everyone dies.” He spoke calmly. “I’m backing Chairman Shren’s evacuation plan.”
“Famine? Evacuation? How do we know the future?”
“The outsiders brought the knowledge with them.” The Chronicle moved away from the wall. “They are indeed from our future.”
“You sound sure.” Oronia crossed her arms. She remained sceptical.
“If I may?” The Chronicle gestured to Lore’s bag. Lore nodded to which he removed an ornate green book.
“I don’t know how that got in there.” Lore held their hands above their head.
“What’s with the book?” Oronia wasn’t sure where this was going but was interested in the strange man in the corner.
“It’s my journal.” He waved the book he had been taking notes in. The two were identical. “I’m sure I would never part with this if I didn’t have to.”
“You’re saying that because they have a copy of your diary, they’re telling the truth?” Oronia’s eyes widened.
“Exactly.” The Chronicle opened the future text. “I have it written here: ‘Today was one most strange, three human visitors came to my office. The first apparated in front of me and claimed our world will end and the other two appeared to chase her. I should note that she did indeed spell the beginning of the end for our planet.’”
“Ok… Say I believe you, I could arrange passage to another planet.” Oronia smiled. Her fellow leaders sat mouths agog.
Oronia didn’t immediately elaborate and sat in smiling sadness picking her fingers. “How?” The three leaders spoke as one.
“Well, while The Eastern tribes have grown fat and lazy, we Western folk have been preparing for bigger things. Preparations that can quickly be altered should the needs arise.”
Trayar shook his head. “You already have our attention, there is no need to mince your words. What can you give us and what would you like in return?” His voice was bordering on patronising but she kept her cool.
“In return for evacuating your people, I want what was rightfully ours.”
“You still want our land?” Shren put his finger to his ear. “We’re evacuating because of a coming famine, a famine mind you that will render the planet unsuitable for life, and you want our land?”
“Yes. I was born on this planet and I will die here. My only wish is to be able to die where I was born. A wish that is unachievable with the current restrictions. You want to survive this, you each have to promise me and whoever else wants to stay your cities.”
There was a moment of confused silence followed by the three leaders staring intensely at one another. One at a time, they nodded. Consensus reached, the leaders turned their attention to Shren.
“That is agreeable. You and any others who wish to remain will be allowed to with all lands being transferred to your care upon our successful evacuation.”
“Thank you.” Oronia tried to keep a straight face but couldn’t help herself. “Finally, after twelve generations, it was I who will reclaim our ancestral homeland.” She beamed.
“It’s yours. Along with any food rations that we don’t need.”
“This gets better.” Her smile grew.
“Well…” Lore looked to Char who shrugged her shoulders. “This went better than expected.”
“Of course, should the famine not come, you will still be leaving won’t you?” The others hadn’t even stopped to consider that option.
“Well…” Mumbling filled the room as the leaders considered the consequences of being wrong. “Yes. As long as we’re allowed to evacuate then the deal will be honoured.”
“Fantastic.” Oronia rubbed her hands together. She gave off a giddy giggle.
“Fantastic.” Lore echoed. “I still can’t quite believe this worked as well as it did but great job everyone. Now for the hard part. The four nations need to inform their peoples of these arrangements and ensure that the rationing programme is implemented.”
“Before today, I would have said that would be the easy part.” Foreen joked. “Not looking forward to that.”
“Of course you aren’t. Your people lack respect and grow fat because of it.” As the words left her mouth, Foreen left his seat.
Lore intercepted Foreen in a motion so swift, one would have mistaken it for teleportation. “Calm down. While I don’t agree with her wording, the basic sentiment is true. The people of The West are already better prepared for this eventuality making your peoples look inept by comparison. When we factored The West into the total resource pool, their food stores added a negligible amount.” Foreen returned to his seat.
“That is because we only hunt and gather what we need. We aren’t animals who horde food for the winter.” Foreen looked ready to charge again. Char stared him down allowing Lore the opportunity to step in once again.
“Their premature adaptation to this scenario plays to your advantage minister. They can continue their ways while you evacuate and not impact you in the slightest. Should everything go to plan, everyone will be satisfied in the end.” Lore took a deep breath. The ministers joined them with the exception of Oronia who still had a wide grin on her face.
Meeting adjourned, three of the four ministers began preparing speeches for their people to rationalise the sudden need for rationing and an exodus from their homes. With a drafted a ration plan complete, all that was required was implementation and evacuation. Their plan soon to be in place, Lore tapped a familiar set of co-ordinates into their Breacher. With a flash, they were gone. Recorded Rationing.
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