The Swallows Tale
By Tales-For-Kids
- 372 reads
There was once a swallow whom spring followed all around. If he travelled north, the flowers would bloom. If he travelled south the grass would grow and the trees would blossom at his pressnce. But up in the north country the people would seldom see a drop of sunshine, and the frost would freeze all over all year long. It became so cold and severe for the longest of time, so the men would jest amongst themselves; 'Maybe a single swallow will come along and brighten up our day, and our weather.' And they would laugh among themselves with the bitterness that the cold bought with it. The days continued to be bleak and cold, and the nights were black and freezing with ice. Yet one day, a boy spotted a solitary swallow up above, and went to call the whole village. 'I wonder if he has brought us some good weather at last.' Someone said. But the townsfolk just turned away in dismay and and disdain saying; 'I doubt it very strongly!' Yet the very next day the first flowers started to bloom, and the first green shoots of grass began to show, as many birds followed after him, and the sunshine returned in all its splendour and magnificence in the following days and weeks. Sometimes a single swallow does indeed herald in the salvation of spring and the brilliant warm summer sun. Have good faith through the darkest of times. It is often worth the wait and patience.