Home Read Write Forums Blogs SOCKS By moonphishTue, 31 Jan 2023 175 reads I love my socks Each day attach All made of silk So they don't scratch I do not fret If they don't match And if they tear I'll add a patch If I run out Well, here's the catch I'll find a sale And buy a batch Certificate UPoemPOEMS BY MOONPHISHHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
SOCKS By moonphishTue, 31 Jan 2023 175 reads I love my socks Each day attach All made of silk So they don't scratch I do not fret If they don't match And if they tear I'll add a patch If I run out Well, here's the catch I'll find a sale And buy a batch Certificate UPoemPOEMS BY MOONPHISHHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments