Pacific Golden Plover

By Rhiannonw
- 646 reads
Golden Plover flies across the ocean –
cannot swim, and so in constant motion,
eighty-eight hours with no land to rest;
somehow knows just how much weight is best
– extra fuel needed, but still keep fairly light.
It does not seem they have enough for flight
so far, so long, but still they make their target – how?
save energy by V-formation-flying, know
to share the load, take turns, rotate the lead,
and so they do arrive where they can feed
again (a tiny store remains in case
of unexpected winds that slow their race).
How do they know how much to feed, and when?
How do they know to fly in such co-operation?
How do they know the way when young,
and parents long ago have gone?
Interlocking networks, pathways in the brain
all are needed, all in place, or they would die.
The bird would never function
by bit-by-bit chance changes’ blundering construction.
The tiny brain has in-built great design
by supernatural skill sublime.
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Hi Rhiannon,
Hi Rhiannon,
I had no idea about this bird, so went to look it up. How amazing they are, and your poem describes perfectly their ability to fly over such long distances and know when and where to fuel up.
Birds working together has such benefits.
Enjoyed the read and thank you for sharing.
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Me too in terms of knowing
Me too in terms of knowing much about this bird. You paint a highly visual image of its ability to fly for long periods of time and great distances. The rhyme and rhythm works well. Nicely done, of course. Paul
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You have fitted in all your
You have fitted in all your facts seeming without effort, a skillful, fun lesson about a Natural wonder
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