By memphis
- 202 reads
Matt11:28 “Come to me; all who are weary and heavily burdened (by religious rituals that provide no peace), and I will give you rest {refreshing your souls with salvation.
29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me {following Me as My disciple},
for I am gentle and humble in heart, and You will find rest {renewal, blessed quiet}
For your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy {to bear} and My burden is light”.
By learning to maintain what Jesus obtained; by the blood of the lamb.
For your spiritual victory, gain the simplicity retained.
There will be tumultuous fires, every time smoke burns upward like incense.
In the trial, tribulation, and testing; to mature, purified faith, one's soul.
Consummation is a proven grace of His word through hardships.
There’s never a time for hesitation; you have a defender, a lawyer, Jesus, who is on your case.
Stay the course, learn to practice your dance in the storm, of course.
Is how you fight knowing He will never leave you alone.
A believer's champion victory. This is how we overcome sweet liberty.
The battle intensifies, glory magnified and justified
We’re made to prevail, and triumph is the only way to fight the good fight of faith.
Heavenly fire falls; Beauty for ashes, a reckless love unashamed.
Surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, angels, of the heavenly host.
Now providence awaits their command in charge over covenant promises.
Like an eagle sitting brooding over her eggs, the expectation they will one day soar.
So surrender the boundaries, and rest in the father’s face, No death
Already won. Forming a future that has beneficial rewards.
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Preserved in perseverance!
Preserved in perseverance! Faith and the Spirit our Helper.
(one typo noticed: angles insetead of angels)
Thank you, Rhiannon
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