The Fairy Princess
By Jack Fables
- 201 reads
A beautiful little butterfly once floated and danced in the wind with joy. It was a lovely summer’s morning and all the world was at peace and all the flowers were in splendid bloom once again. As it flew about happily it came across another little butterfly and greeted it gladly and said, ‘Hello fellow butterfly, how are you this lovely spring morning?’ ‘I am fine and am enjoying the pleasant weather as well, how are you?’ it replied in return. ‘I am great and have never been better, I can fly around in joyous circles like this forever.’ she said happily to her new friend. ‘Yes you could but you know that us butterflies don’t live forever y’know. We have a life cycle where we lay eggs that will become little worms weaving cocoons and turning into colorful little butterflies like us themselves. After we have laid our eggs we soon perish and die in the never ending circle of the magic of nature.’ said the other fellow. ‘That is so sad to hear,’ said the little butterfly as the other flew away in the breeze,’I wish that I could fly around happily forever and that I would never die.’ she said to herself when she was alone again flying about the place. The Fairy Queen who was sitting nearby in the bell of a tulip flower heard the little butterfly's greatest wish and said, ‘Do you really wish to fly about in all your splendid colors forever and that you would never have to die and return to the cycle of nature and the dust?’ ‘Oh, yes great Fairy Queen,’ said the little butterfly, ‘That would be a dream come true.’ she added from the bottom of her little heart. So the Fairy Queen waved her magic wand and the little butterfly was instantly transformed in the prettiest and most colorful little fairy princess. She flew away happily to her new home, the magic fairy kingdom of the woods, with her new Queen, the great Fairy Queen herself. Where she joined all the other little fairies of the magical woods of wonder and enchantment. And they lived all of their days dancing around in a magical little fairy circle underneath a magical ancient oak tree amongst the flowers and the lovely red mushrooms. Never having to perish and return unto dust but to live life as a beautiful little spirit of the woods forever. A magical little fairy herself. And they all lived happily ever after. The End.
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