Malta. Part Six.

By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 137 reads
Meghan, has a list of places that she wanted us to visit and next on her list was Mdina.
We rushed our beautiful buffet, of wide selection breakfast, to catch the 09.15am bus, we missed it, because it left 2 minutes early. Meghan said, “That was the fast bus.” The next bus was the slower bus that arrived at 09.40am. All the busses cost 2.50 euros and the same back, each. Later, I saw a sign that said, “If the journey is under 2 hours, it will be 2.50 euros,” That, is SO cheap!
Mdina is another one of Game of Thrones places to visit, Meghan nor myself have never watched it. Mdina is also known as, The silent City.
We went to the silent city, to me it was quite noisy, although no cars are allowed, to be driven there, only the people who live there are allowed to have cars.
There are a lot of horse drawn carts, for 2 to 4 people, with their own personal tour guide. It was a very hot day, the horses looked beautiful and well groomed and looked after, but it did seem a shame for them to be walking around the city while it was so hot. Later we saw the horse park, where they went back after they had walked around in the heat. There were about 20 horses in the shade.
Mdina’s local council has a sign up on one of the beautiful stone walls, with a forefinger up to the lips with the words, “Please respect the residents.” From time to time, church bells could be heard. Tourist, like myself, we were everywhere, walking up and down, it just seems too busy, and not a place I would like to live. I said to Meghan, “Maybe those who live here, get cheaper rent,” She replied, “No, it’s a privilege to live here.” Some of the roads here were a bit narrow, and the walls to the houses, high, walking along these roads, it was nice and cool in the shade, away from the hot sun.
I took a picture of the Mdina Glass building, just the words in bluey glass, Mdina Glass.
Meghan wanted us to go to the cathedral Museum, but it was expensive so we didn’t go in.
After we were there hours, we wanted something cold to drink. Some, cafés, and restaurants, advertised from the outside that they had air conditioning. We went into a restaurant, it was very full, I noticed at the front door, there was an orange tree by the front door. There was standing room only, not one single seat was available, even going up the stairs was full, Meghan said, to the Staff, “I need to get inside in the shade,” He was looking for a seat for her, I didn’t want to be in there, as it was too full. I said, to Meghan, “Lets go, it’s too full.” We came back out into the heat.
We walked about 10 minutes then Meghan saw a small café, she said, “Lets go in here”, The large fan, high up was beautiful. There was a large group of people at one end, of about 10 people and a couple at another table, and us. It was perfect. We bought a small bottle of Pepsi, that cost 2.50 euros each, I did not want a glass, a straw was enough for me. In that lovely little café, we were able to cool down a little bit. Before we left that lovely little café Meghan bought us both a lovely ice-lolly, 2.5 euros each.
Suddenly Meghan saw something as we walked along the road, that we didn’t expect. She went in first, I stayed outside. Then she came out to me and said, “It is a beautiful little Church, we don’t have to pay to go in, come on in.”
It was dark when we first went in, it took a minute or so for our eyes to adjust, and when it did, it was awesome! There were 2 people seated, not together, there for quite completion, meditation, or prayer. We spoke in whispers, there wasn’t anyone there, to say, “Cover up.” Nor anyone there to say, “Pay,” All there was, was a notice to ask for a donation into the box. I took a lot of photos in that beautiful little Church. It was peaceful, the craftsmanship was fabulous! It was also nice and cool in there. While we were, there, a few others came in to light candles. Before we left, we left our donations in the large box.
Megan and I, enjoyed our day out in beautiful, hot Mdina. We didn’t eat there, we got the bus back, and when we got back to the hotel, it wasn’t quite time for the evening buffet, we went into the posh café and had an ice-cold smoothie, free, we just had to show our wristbands. That hit the spot, it was just what we needed, after a hot and beautiful day, in wonderful Mdina.
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