Death Trap by Alfred N.Muggins (rogue armchair historian and reporter!)

By David Kirtley
- 356 reads
The Israelis formed a so called broader coalition with supposed moderates inside it,
and drafted more men and women back into their army,
and proceeded to shell Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
The death toll rose steeply,
civilians and Hamas operatives alike,
buried deep in the ruins of apartment and office blocks.
It was not long at all before the new death toll superseded easily the atrocity casualties caused by Hamas upon the Israelis in the south.
Humanitarians did not like the way these figures were going.
Unlike many politicians of both parties in the US
they felt with immediate foresight the way in which things were going.
A dark dust cloud hung over Gaza already like a pall of death.
They were surrounded by politicians, even within the Democrat Party who seemed to stand with Israel against the terrorist extremists who were known as Hamas.
(Otherwise known as ‘freedom fighters’, or resistance fighters, against an occupation which has lasted 57 years, or perhaps we should say 76 years since the first Naqba!)
Turn the tide of death and sorrow,
blood and the culling of innocent blood,
before it gets too late
and it poisons the whole of what was Palestine,
including Israel!
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Still such a difficult and
Still such a difficult and complex situation in the Middle East. Alfred's angst will be shared by so many.
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