The Pocket Watch
By Jack Fables
- 145 reads
A man once bought and expensive pocket watch to help him with his work and labor. He would wind it up and set it, and it always kept the exact time of day. He was never late for an appointment, nor did he ever miss the train or bus. The watch kept him up to date with precise time of day, and he was never late for anything. He had the pocket watch for many years as he grew older, then one day it suddenly started losing the time. No matter how he set or wound it, it would not keep its right time anymore, but its dials would point all over its face. 'What will become of me if I can no longer tell the time?' thought the watch. He took it to the watchmaker who had a good hard look at it, but sadly informed the man that this old watch was beyond repair. He took it home and put it in his drawer, just keeping it for a memory, not knowing what to do with his broken old watch. It lay in the drawer for a long, long time, and all seemed to be over for the trusty old pocket watch. The old man had no more use for him, and so it seemed that no-one ever would again. His fate was sealed like the closed drawer in which he lay. Until one day when the old man took him out again with a smile. It was his grandson's birthday, who was just a little boy, and who wasn't able to tell the time yet on his own. He gave it to the boy as a birthday present, and the little boy was very happy with his fancy pocket watch, although he hadn't learnt to read the time yet off of a watch. The lad went everywhere with his new watch as he wound it up and set the time. The dials would point in all directions, but this didn't bother the boy any, he was the proud owner of and old pocket watch and none of his friends had one like this. The boy and the watch had the best of times, lost in time and youth. They had a world of time on their hands.
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That's a lovely tale –
That's a lovely tale – Jacques again is it? Hope you are keeping fairly well. Rhiannon
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