The wild Impalas
By Yutka
Sun, 24 Nov 2024
- 80 reads
The wild impalas leap
ten foot in the air and cover
ten yards in one jump,
their graceful shadows
tell the sun
of an unchained spirit
Yet in the zoo impalas,
kept within low fences
will not risk a jump
if they cannot see
where they will land,
so they remain captive.
We also cling to certainty,
fingers gripping tight,
we need to hear “Trust the way.
Let faith be your guide.”
For the future is not a map,
but a journey of steps unmeasured—
a heaven crafted from hope;
a dance choreographed in light.
A leap in faith,
scarred hearts unarmed,
letting go of fears
and trust the unseen path,
for what awaits
may be greater than
we dare to dream.
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