By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 92 reads
Over the last ten years or so, I have had a cough. About 10 years ago I had a bad cough, for a long time, and antibiotics couldn’t shift it! The cylinder tube that the doctor asked me to blow in, I was unable to. He gave me an inhaler, that didn’t help, as using it made me cough! The cure came when he gave me 30 steroid tablets, and that’s what did the trick. The impossible happened, the cough went.
Another cough came, during covid. I tried to buy and use cough medicines and cough sweets, over the counters but they did nothing, so as doctors were unavailable for most face to face, I rang the doctors and over the phone in between all my coughing, she prescribed my cough medicine, (the doctor did). That did the trick. The cough went.
Last year when I had a cough again, I tried various different types of honey, with real lemons, in warm water, (I used to use hot boiling water, but was informed, it kills the lemons) as a drink. There are SO many different honeys to try and buy out there. There is of course the expensive manuka honey, which is a silly price, some of the prices, are what I would call celebrity prices, they can afford it, and buy it cause they can afford it and not think about the price. For that price for the most expensive, I would want it to take away my cough, forever!
I tried about eight different types of honey, even the cheapest manuka honey. My brother Willian told me, “The best honey to buy, is local honey as it has all the things in it, that is local to me.” He was right, I had heard that, but as yet, haven’t tried it.
Last year I also tried to add fresh ginger to the honey and lemon. I cut a bit up and added it to the warm water, then when it was gone, I put the fresh ginger in my mouth and chewed it! it was disgusting!!! It was SO overpowering and bitter! I thought I was going to be sick. I dismissed it as a bad idea and just used, honey and lemons. I used half a lemon each time.
The cough is back again! I had hoped it had gone forever. I decided to buy again fresh ginger and use that with fresh lemons, organic, unwaxed whatever was available. I had sliced up a small amount peeled it and added it to the honey and fresh lemon, in a warm drink. I couldn’t imagine it making a difference, but it was IN the drink. Very late Saturday night I was asleep on the sofa, upright, when suddenly I started to violently cough! I was coughing out, but unable to breathe IN, I couldn’t get my breath! I thought I was a gonna! It was SO unexpected, I had coughed, about five times fast in a row, I couldn’t even have a drink of water that was on the small table next to me. Thank goodness I made it, for if I had coughed out more than five times, without been able to breath in, then it would have been all over!! I knew someone, last year, who died from chocking on his food! What an awful way to go.
So, with fresh determination, I tried ginger again, I looked it up on the internet. What is good for coughs? Yes, it was, in fact it is also good for lungs and cleansing, it also aids in weight loss and more. Ginger came up all the time.
It is SUCH a versatile plant.
I had peeled my, small slice, but it does not need to be peeled first.
I wondered if it needed to be boiled first, or grated, or soaked overnight, kept in the fridge or not.
In some countries they not just eat in raw, but they don’t even peel it first! MERCY!
So, with fresh knowledge I tried, it from yesterday, a slice, unpeeled in a cup of water overnight in the fridge. I added my honey and lemon this morning with warm water, it was a lovely drink.
I had the three last night before bed, and tried to chew the ginger raw but it was not nice.
This morning, I did the same after I had drank the nice drink. Again, it was not nice the ginger on its own.
I have to remember, it is medicine and for medical reasons, so I need to try and get used to it, it is for my own good.
I have a hot chocolate drink every morning with evaporated milk, the thought came to me yesterday, to also add a slice of ginger to it too, it Must make a difference, if it is in the cup. I will also do the same, when I have a cup of tea, or tea in my little flask. I intend to get ginger into my system!
One other thing that I saw, as I was looking up info about ginger, it makes people go to the loo more for a wee, I suppose that is a part of the cleansing.
The Best thing? Fresh ginger is SO Cheap.
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